

Study on the Measurement and Control System of 3.3kV Mobile Transformer Substation Based on Programmable Logic Controller

【作者】 张继红

【导师】 宋建成;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 电机与电器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 3.3kV移动变电站是煤矿井下3.3kV供电系统的关键设备之一,担负着电能变换与传输的重要作用。由于传统移动变电站自身的固有缺陷,远不能满足现代化煤矿工作面高产高效运行的需要。因此研究智能型移动变电站综合测控系统对于提高供电质量、保障系统稳定运行,不仅具有重要的现实意义而且具有较高的经济价值。 本文深入系统地研究了基于PLC控制的移动变电站测控系统,主要内容如下: 针对我国煤矿井下移动变电站所装设电力变压器的运行现状,系统地分析了其故障原因,改进了传统变压器差动保护方法,有效躲过了变压器正常起动时的二次谐波电流,减少了保护误动现象,提高了动作可靠性。 在分析1140V供电系统传统漏电保护优缺点的基础上,针对3.3kV供电系统的特殊要求,确定了漏电动作值和闭锁值,设计了附加直流电源检测的漏电保护方案。它可准确检测三相电网绝缘对称下降与不对称下降故障,保证了漏电动作电阻值的稳定性。 以PLC为中央控制单元,设计了新型智能化移动变电站测太原理工大学硕士学位论文控系统。该系统具有短路、过载、断相、过流,过压、以及过热等保护功能。通过大屏幕液晶显示器的设置,不仅能显示系统正常运行参数,而且可以显示故障原因及故障参数,缩短了判断和排除故障时间,提高了生产效率。 针对煤矿井下的特殊环境分析了所存在的干扰源及所产生干扰信号的电气特征,针对不同特征的干扰信号,制定了相应的硬件、软件防治措施,实验证明,这些抗干扰措施是有效的。 本文所研究的3.3kV移动变电站测控系统样机在实验室进行了模拟试验,测试其动作参数,检验了各种保护特性。结果表明:该测控系统性能稳定,动作可靠,显示准确,具有广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 The 3.3kV Mobile Transformer Substation (MTS) is one of the key electrical apparatus in the 3.3kV underground distribution networks, which plays important role in supplying and transforming electrical power energy. Traditional MTS cannot meet the needs for high production and high efficiency of fully mechanized coal mining face due to its inherent defects. It is hence important to develop a new measurement and control system with high significant for MTS.The research of the measurement and control system for 3.3 kV MTS based on PLC is deeply carried out in this paper as following:Aiming at the present operation condition of the power transformer applied in the MTS in underground in our country, fault causes for the power transformer are analyzed systematically and the traditional protective methods of the transformer are improved in this thesis. At the same time the second harmonic is dodged effectively during the normal starting. As a result the unexpected trip is reduced and the reliability is increased.Based on the analysis of the advantage and disadvantage of the leakage protection in the 1140V underground power supply system and in accordance with the special needs of 3.3kV underground power supply system, the scheme of earth leakage protection on the basis of principle with additional direct current detection is designed by which the symmetric and asymmetric insulation faults in the underground distribution networks can be examined correctly. In addition, the tripping insulation resistance value and lockout insulation resistance value are determined and the stability of trip resistance value of the earth leakage fault is guaranteed.A novel measurement and control system (MCS) used in 3.3kV MTS has been established based on PLC. By which these electrical faults, such as short circuit, over-load, over-voltage, phase open, earth leakage and so on, can be automatically distinguished and processed. Both the electrical parameters andthe fault reason can be displayed on the big liquid crystal screen, which can save the time in getting rid of the fault and improve the production efficiency.Finally, according to the special environment in underground, the sources and the features of interference signals in underground environment are discussed; With the exception of this, anti-interference measures by use of hardware and software are taken to eliminate interference signals from MTS in this paper.The measurement and control system for the 3.3kV MTS has been tested in the laboratory, electrical parameters has been measured and the protection p.. rformance is proved. It has been shown that this protective system is stable, reliable and is of great-applied value in mining industry.

  • 【分类号】TM76
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】506

