
基于Intel 80C196KB控制的矿用移动变电站低压真空馈电开关测控系统的研究

Study on the Measurement and Conttrol System of LV Vacuum Feeder Switchgear for Mining Mobile Transformer Substation Based on Intel 80C196KB

【作者】 梁锁锋

【导师】 宋建成;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 电机与电器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代高档机械化采煤工作面大都采用移动变电站供电,它负责把高压电能转换成低压电能供给采煤工作面的机械设备。矿用隔爆型移动变电站由隔爆型高压负荷开关、隔爆型干式变压器和隔爆型低压馈电开关三部分组成,作为综采工作面用电设备的电源,其供电的可靠性、安全性直接关系到原煤的生产和人身的安全。由于煤矿井下环境比较恶劣,低压电网经常会出现漏电、短路等各种故障,而传统的移动变电站低压馈电开关保护电路过于复杂,插件较多,满足不了安全供电的要求。因此研究高性能、大容量的低压馈电开关测控系统对保障人身安全和提高供电质量具有重要的现实意义。 本文深入系统地研究了基于Intel 80C196KB单片机控制的矿用移动变电站低压馈电开关测控系统,主要内容如下: 首先介绍了移动变电站低压馈电开关在国内外的现状和发展趋势,以及国内现存低压馈电开关保护系统中存在的缺陷,分析了研究高性能馈电开关的必要性。根据《煤矿安全规程》规定和供电系统需求,提出了移动变电站低压馈电开关测控系统的性能指标和技术要求。 针对测控系统的技术要求,第二章重点分析了井下低压电网中可能发生的各种故障,如:漏电、短路、过载、过压和欠压等,并针对各种故障特征提出了相应的保护原理,设计了电网故障信号采集电路。实验结果表明:所设计的电路采样准确,太原理_「大学硕十研究生学位论文动作灵敏,能够可靠、快速地反映电网的故障状态。 第四章介绍了系统的控制核心一中央处理单元。根据测控系统要求,选择合适的中央控制器,并设计了相应的输入/输出系统和人机交互界面。实验结果表明:所选的控制器功能较强,内部户以D转换器采样准确且速度较快,人机交互界面友好,保证了整个测控系统工作的稳定性。 整个系统的软件采用结构化程序设计方法,设计了监控主程序和各功能模块子程序,使得整个程序设计调用灵活,调试方便。 根据矿井电网的实际工作环境,分析了各种干扰源及所产生的干扰信号特征,针对不同特征的干扰信号,制定了相应的硬件和软件防治措施。实验结果表明:采用硬件和软件相配合的抗干扰方法,基本上能抑制所有的干扰信号,提高了测控系统工作可靠性。 本文所设计的馈电开关测控系统在智能电器实验室进行了初步试验,试验结果表明:该测控系统能准确、可靠、快速地判断电网的各种故障并执行相应操作,性能稳定,动作可靠,良好的人机界面可以缩短排除故障时间,提高生产效率。

【Abstract】 Mobile Transformer substations(MTS) are widely used in underground modern mechanized mining face, which transform HV energy to LV energy and supply them for the niotors driving working machines. Mining flameproof mobile transformer substation consists of high voltage load switchgear, dry type transformer and low voltage feeder switchgear. Because the MTS is the power supply for underground machinery, its operating properties are the key facts which do directly affect the reliability and continuity of underground distribution networks, which could further result in the reduction of coal production and the drop of worker’s safety. It is because of the terrible condition in underground faces that the electrical faults occur frequently in underground distribution networks, such as earth leakage, short circuit and so on. However, traditional feeder switchgear cannot satisfy the requirements of safety and reliability in power supply system due to complicated protective circuits and various pluggable units. It is hence important to develop a new measurement and control system with high properties and large capacity for MTS.A novel measurement and control system has been developed in detail based on Intel 80C196KB in this thesis as following:Fist of all, the present situation and the trend of development on the field of MTS at home and abroad are reviewed, and the problems existed in the present MTS are also introduced. At the same time, the necessity to develop the new measurement and control system is analyzed. Based on the rules of’Safety Regulation of Underground Coal Mines’ and the demand for underground distribution networks, the function specifications and technical requirements are put forward in the thesis.According to the technical requirements of the measurement and control system, the fault characteristics and protective principle in underground LV distribution networks are analyzed in the second chapter, such as earth leakage, short circuit, over-load, over voltage, under voltage and so on. At the same time, the signal-sampling circuits are designed. The tests have been done in our laboratory and it has been shown that the circuits sample accurately, act sensitively, and detect the faults of the networks reliably and quickly.Central processing unit is introduced in the fourth chapter. In terms of the requirements of the measurement and control system, a proper central controller is selected, I/O unit and human-computer interface are designed. The experiment results show that the controller used in this system is powerful, the internal A/D converter is precise and quick in sampling, and the human-computer interface is friendly. All of these make the whole system to work more stably.The structured programming design method is applied in the whole system software, which make debug and compile program very easily and conveniently. The monitoring program and function subprograms of the measurement and control system are designed.According to the actual environment in underground electrical distribution networks, the sources and the features of interference signals are discussed. With the exception of this, anti-interference measures by use of hardware and software are taken to eliminate interference singles in this thesis. Experiment results show that anti-interference measures can nearly eliminate all interference.It has been proved by the results of tests in the intelligent apparatus laboratory that the system can detect all the faults exactly, reliably and quickly,and execute the corresponding protection. At the same time, the friendly human-computer interface can save the time to identify the types of fault and get rid of the fault, which may improve the production efficiency.

  • 【分类号】TM633.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】293

