

Dynamic Characteristic Identification of Heat-exchanger & Simulation for Energy-control System in Heating Station Based on Matlab

【作者】 周宴平

【导师】 苏保青;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 市政工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国国民经济的快速发展,综合国力的不断增强,工业化进程必将日益深化,高能耗引发的能源不足问题无疑会严重制约我国的经济发展。努力完善城市集中供热工程,一方面有效地解决了能源短缺的问题,改善了工农业发展后劲不足的现象,特别是针对我国居住比较分散的西北、东北广大地区;另一方面,集中供热对环保方面的贡献也极大地改善了城乡居民的居住环境和生活质量,满足了人民群众的物质文化生活需要。而借鉴国内外先进经验,开发适用于城市集中供热系统热力站的仿真培训系统更是既为国家节约了大量的外汇,既可以充分结合国内企业的实际需求,又可达到物尽其用的目的。 本课题在认真学习、研究、总结前人在该领域内的研究成果的基础上,抓住换热机组动态特性中的特点,采用更为合理而简便的仿真方法,进一步对换热机组运行及控制的安全性、稳定性作研究探讨,以期使得热力站的配置和运行更为合理和高效,从而为用户提供更为满意的供热服务。 MATLAB/sIMULINK是一个用来对动态系统进行建模、仿真和分析的软件包,它具有模块化、可重载、可封装、面向结构图编程及可视化等特点,可大大提高系统仿真的效率和可靠性。M八TLAB的优化工具箱中提供了一系列用于解决无约束和有约束问题的优化函数,可以方便地用来对普通非线性函数求解极大或极小值。本文将利用sIMULp闷K和优化工具箱,在仿真与优化有机结合的基础上,实现PID控制器参数的优化。 本文基于功能强大的M户L1,LAB软件工具,对集中供热管网系统及热力子站换热器的计算机动态模拟与控制系统进行了深入研究。 首先,依据热网运行调节的基本公式,导出了二次侧供回水平均温度与室外温度之间的单值函数关系,把二次侧供回水平均温度确定为热力系统的被控参数,并阐述了该参数能直接反映热网供热量、散热器释热量、 II及热负荷三者的正确性; 其次,通过现场实验,利用系统辨识的方法,确定了换热器的动态模型,并在此基础上,编制了应用方便的GUI演示软件,在输入适当的流量或频率变化量之后,该软件能够自动绘制出系统的输出量阶跃响应; 再次,采用MATLAB/sIMULINK工具箱构建了热力站能量控制系统模型,并对换热器一次侧流量变化、主站汽水换热器蒸气流量变化的干扰条件下,二次侧供回水平均温度的响应作了动态仿真; 最后,针对PID控制器的参数整定问题,利用MATLAB加CD工具箱对PID控制器的三个主要参数Kp,Ki,Kd进行了自动优选,有利于减少参数整定过程中对实验者主观经验的依赖型。

【Abstract】 With rapid development of China comprehensive power and deepening of industrialization, the lack of energy resulted from high energy resources wastage will restrain China’s economy development . Perfecting city central heating can solve problems of energy lack, especially to Northwest China and Northeast China, and improve residential environment and living standard for people in towns. After studying foreign advanced technology, the author try to develop simulation trainingsystem for the heating station, which can save foreign exchange for our nation and meet domestic enterprise’s demand.This thesis utilizes reasonable and simple measures for simulation , studies security and stability of automation system for heat-exchanger in order to perfect the running of heat-exchange equipment.Matlab/simulink is a software for modeling , simulation and analysis to dynamic system, which can enhance the efficiency and reliability. Matlab’s optimization toolbox offers series of functions for non-restraint and restraint problems , easily getting nonlinear function’s maximum and minimum values. This thesis combines simulation and optimization to realize parameter’s optimization for the PID controller, with the help of Simulink and Matlab toolbox.This thesis develops the dynamic simulation and control system for heat-exchanger in heating substation and central heating network , basing on the well-knownpowerful software Matlab.First , according to the basic running regulation formula , the outdoor temperature and the secondary average one of supply and back water conform to a single- function relationship. Meanwhile , the secondary average temperature is determined as the controlled parameter for heating system in that it can directly reflect the change of heating supply in main heating station , radiator’s emitting heat, or heat load.Second, the dynamic model of heat-exchanger is showed by the way of system identification after experiment, based on which, a convenient GUI demo is provided . With appropriate changes of flow rate and frequency entered, it can automatically plot the step response of system outlet amount.Third, the energy-control system model for heat substation is made by the MATLAB/SIMULINK blockset, and the dynamic simulation for the secondary average temperature is given under changing situation of thefirst-side water flow rate and the steam flow rate of steam-water heat-exchanger in the main heating station .Finally, in view of the parameter confirmation for PID controller, three main parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd, is automatically optimized with the MATLAB/NCD blockset employed, which is much useful to decrease the dependence to subjective experience of experimenter.

  • 【分类号】TU995
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】896

