

Physiological Effects and Mechanism of Potassium Chlorate (KClO3) on the Off-Season Flower-Bud Formation of Longan

【作者】 陈燕丽

【导师】 唐志鹏;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 植物营养学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验用石硖龙眼为供试品种进行反季节成花试验,采用地面施用与根系输液两种方法,以不同浓度的氯酸钾(KCLO3),氯酸钾与多效唑(PP333)混合配比进行处理。主要研究氯酸钾与多效唑对龙眼反季节成花的效应及其与叶片硝酸还原酶活性、C/N和矿质营养元素的关系,试验结果表明: 1、单施氯酸钾、氯酸钾与多效唑混合处理都能诱导龙眼反季节成花。地面施用效果比根系输液好,在各个处理中,以L(氯酸钾2kg+多效唑4g)处理抽穗率显著高于其他处理;其次为A(氯酸钾1kg)、H(氯酸钾1.5%+多效唑1.5‰)和C(氯酸钾2.0kg)处理;各处理抽穗期相对集中,分批次陆续进行;与正造花穗相比,反季节的花穗短小、分枝少、紧密,雌雄花之比接近,表明反季节花穗与正造花穗在质量上还是有一定差异。 2、处理后,硝酸还原酶活性呈现下降走势,在红点出现前一段时间,开始上升,在花穗伸长期达到高峰,随后开始下降,初花期降到低谷。表明硝酸还原酶活性在花芽生理分化期至形态分化期的升高有利于促进花芽的转化和形成;形态分化后期至初花期,硝酸还原酶活性的下降,氨态氮含量的上升有利于促进开花。硝态氮的变化与硝酸还原酶活性变化基本一致。 3、处理后,能有效增加可溶性糖与淀粉含量,降低全氮含量。现红点时全氮降到最低,初花期降低。可溶性糖前期高,后期低,得以保持各处理有较高的糖分提供给花芽生理分化期所需。抽穗时可溶性糖含量降低,抽穗后可溶性糖与淀粉都有所增加,并高于对照;开花后两者都下降但都高于对照;抽穗率较高的A(氯酸钾Ikg)和以氯酸钾Zkg+多效哩49)处理在抽穗前期,可溶性糖、淀粉和C/N高于其它处理;C/N在抽穗前低于对照,在始花期处于一个小峰,大部分低于对照,表明了较高水平的可溶性糖与淀粉对增加抽穗率与抽穗株率有促进作用;C/N低同样也可以成花,C/N高并不是成花唯一决定因子。 4、处理后,能有效降低K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、B的含量,促进P、引的吸收。K在抽穗与开花时含量降低,但开花后增加,而且前期含量高于对照,后期低于对照;ca前期低于对照,后期高于对照;Mg后期处于下降趋势,任片低于对照;C.J、Mn、B含量高有利于抽穗,开花后,Cu、Zn、「e、Mn、B的含量降低;cl含量在抽穗时达到最高,除了在抽穗后稍微下降并比对照低外,其余处理期间均处较高水平,并高于对照,除根系输液的氯酸钾与多效哩混合施用G(氯酸钾1%+多效哩1%o)、H(氯酸钾1 .5%+多效哇1 .5%O)、l(氯酸钾2%+多效哇2%o)处理外,氯含量与施用浓度呈正比,但并不与成花效应一致,表明了氯在龙眼反季节成花中机理仍未明确。

【Abstract】 The Shixia longan variely was employed as the plant materials in the field experiment. The plants were treated with different concentration of KClO3 and of KClO3 to PP333 by soil drenched and root-inserted. The effects of the off-season floral induction of longan, and the redations between nitrate reductase activity, C/N, nutrient elements and the flower-bud formation of longan were studied. The results showed as follows:1. Both treatments with KClO3 and the solution of KClO3to PP333 could induce the plants to blossom. The result of the treatments by soil drenched was more effective; than those by root-inserved. The heading rate of the L treatment was higher than the rates of else treatments obviously. The heading period of all treatments concentrated on a period of time relatively. The flower clusters of plants in off-season were small in shape, rare in branch , intense in space and the male-female ratio was close to that of spring flower cluster. The result showed that the quality of flower cluster in off-season was different as compared with spring flower cluster.2. After treatment, the nitrate reductase activity decreased generally. It began to increase before the flower-bud appearing , and gradually came to peak at flower cluster growing stage, but decreased then and gradually came to a low tide at early blossoming stage. These results indicated that the increasing of the nitrate reductase activity stimulated flower-bud to pass during physiological and moephological differentiation stage. The decreasing of nitrate reductase activity and the increasing of ammoniacal nitrogen content stimulated the plants to blossom. The vary of nitrate nitrogen content was positively correlated to the vary of nitrate reductase activity.3. The; contents of soluble sugar and starch increased and the nitrogen content decreased. The lowest nitrogen content was found while the flower-bud appeared. The high soluble sugar content at early stage supplied enough nutrition for the need of flower-bud differentiating. During heading period the soluble sugar content began to decrease and then the contents of soluble sugar and starch increased gradually until to surpass that of control. The contents of them decreased again after blossoming, but the contents still were higher than that of control. For the treatments both A and L, the contents of soluble sugar and starch were higher than those of else treatments and their ratios of C/N were also higher as compared with those of other treatments. To most of treatments, their ratios of C/N were lov/er than that of control in total. That showed the high contents of soluble sugar and starch increased the heading rate and the heading plant rate. All those results indicated that the high ratio of C/N was not theunique decided factor of flower-bud formation.4. After treatment,the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn and B decreased in leaves, but promoted plant to absorb P and Cl. The K content was decreased during heading and blossoming periods. It began to increase after blossoming. The K content at early blossoming stage was higher than that of control and the result was opposed at late blossoming stage. The Ca content was lower than that of control at early blossoming stage and the result was opposed at late blossoming stage. At late blossoming stage the Mg content decreased gradually and was lower than that of control in the end. The high contents of Cu, Mn and B benefited to heading. The contents of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and B decreased after blossoming. The highest Cl content was recorded at heading stage. The Cl content was positively correlated with the concentration but no correlation with blossoming. The result showed the effect of Cl on the off-season blossom of longan was still not clear.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S667.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】151

