

The Chacteristic of Acid Rain in Liuzhou and Its Impact on the Growth of Masson Pine Stands

【作者】 邱媛

【导师】 温远光;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 酸雨是国际社会关注的重大环境污染问题之一。柳州是广西的老工业基地和西南交通枢纽,由于工业发展特别是高硫煤的大量使用,使柳州市的酸雨相当严重,成为我国三大酸雨区之一。 根据中国林科院与韩国林科院在柳州开展的酸雨对森林影响研究计划,在柳州北部工业区——长塘设置酸雨严重污染区监测样地;在距市中心22Km,酸雨污染较轻的三门江森林公园设对照样地,研究柳州市酸雨的特征及对马尾松林分的影响。结果表明:(1)柳州市酸雨的化学特征是酸度离子(SO42-、NO3-)浓度高,平均SO42-/NO3-=6.55,属硫酸型酸雨。(2)2003年长塘降水的酸雨频率平均低于2002年,而三门江的与2002年持平,柳州的平均酸雨频率2002年为82.34%,2003年为61.99%。但降水中[NO3-]长塘增长了83.4%,三门江则略有下降。柳州降水的平均pH值2002年为5.10,2003年为5.32。(3)酸雨对马尾松个体的树高、材积生长有一定的抑制作用。(4)分析表明,长塘0-60cm土层的pH值平均为4.02,三门江的为4.80,酸雨已使土壤酸化,加剧林地土壤养分的淋溶和使土壤贫瘠化,从而影响了地上植被的生长发育。长塘试验样地土壤的全N、速效P、速效K等各项本底值均低于三门江对照样地。(5)酸雨抑制林地土壤微生物的活性,使其数量减少。三门江林地土壤微生物的数量均比长塘样地高,在微生物活动旺盛的春季,还高出一个数量级。(6)增施石灰试验表明,施石灰对缓解土壤酸化有良好效果。其中最理想的施石灰量为20-30Kg/100m2,施石灰可中和土壤酸性,pH平均升高0.13,使土壤有机质、有效P、K等增加,并使林下土壤微生物数量增多;在春季,细菌数量达到8.0×109个/Kg干土,固氮菌达2.5×107个/Kg干土,从而促进了林分生长。每100 m2林地施肥效果从大到小顺序为30Kg或20 Kg>40Kg>0 Kg。撒施石灰是减缓酸雨区土壤酸化的有效措施之一。(7)提出了整治柳州市酸雨的措施和建议。

【Abstract】 Acid rain has affected on our Ecosystem with the industry development. For consumption of high sulphur coal, Liuzhou has been one among three of acid rain area of China. According to the research about the effect on forest by acid rain cooperated between Chinese Academy of Forestry and South Korea Academy of Forestry, a polluted plot in Changtang and a clear plot in Sanmenjinag were set to study about the impact on the growth of Masson Pine by acid rain in Liuzhou city, which is a industrial and traffic center of Southwest of China. The result indicated that (1) the major anion of acid rain in Liuzhou were SO42 and NO3, the major cations were Ca2+, NH4+ ,proving it sulfate type acid rain. (2)The frequency of acid rain in 2003 had dropped down to 61.99% compare to 82.34% in 2002 in Liuzhou.But the NO3 concentration had increased 83.4% in 2003 in Changtang and that of Sanmenjiang had declined lightly. The average pH was 5.10 in 2002 and 5.32 in 2003 in Liuzhou.(3)The study also showed that the Masson Pines were affected on its height growth, tree volume by the acid rain. (4)The average pH of 0-60cm soil in Changtang was 4.02 and that of Sanmenjiang was 4.80.The soils were acidified by acid rain and nutritions of the soils were leached resulting in infertiling and impacting the growth of Masson Pine. The background element content of total nitrgen, avaivable phosphorus, avaivable potassium and so on in No. 1 plot of polluted area were lower than the clear plots resulted from the soil acidification.(5)The activities of microbes were restrained by acid rain. The number of microorganism in No. 1 plot of Changtang was lower than those in Sanmenjiang plots. (6)Moreover measures to control acid rain by liming in polluted area to neutralize resulted in reducing averagely 0.13 pH of soil, and the element content in soil had been improved gradually. The number of microbes had been increased in the No.2, No.3 and No.4 plots in polluted area. The quantity of bacteria had sored to 8.0×109per kilogram soil and N2-fixing bacteria also get 2.5×107per kilogram soil in Spring.The appropriate quantity of liming were 20Kg to 30Kg per 100 m2 of soil. It is a practical and effective way to reduce the pollution of acid rain. (7) Some suggestions were put forward to integrated control the acid rain from the origin of coal use and control every process of fossil fuel comsuption.

【关键词】 酸雨化学特征马尾松林分生长柳州
【Key words】 Acid Rainthe chemical characteristicPasson PinestandgrowthLiuzhou
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X517;S791.248
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】229

