

The Study on China’s SMEI Based on the Strategy Management Theory Frame

【作者】 宋述东

【导师】 唐拥军;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化能够提高企业的经营管理水平、市场竞争力和经济效益,是企业面对竞争和挑战时的必然选择。我国企业信息化整体水平的提高离不开中小企业的参与,中小企业信息化不仅关系到其自身的生存和发展,也将影响我国富民强国的现代化进程,是一项重要而紧迫的任务。 当今已经进入中小企业信息化时代,中小企业信息化在西方发达国家一直是政府发展的重点,然而我国整体上中小企业信息化意识相对欠缺。随着我国企业信息化的深入,中小企业的信息化必将成为企业信息化的主流,但目前中小企业信息化,仍是一个全新的命题。 本文试图运用战略管理理论框架系统地对我国中小企业信息化发展过程进行研究,更好地兼顾了我国的具体情况和信息化发展过程中整体性、社会性特征。同时,结合在国内中小企业信息化发展比较成熟的杭州市的实习调研经历,赋予了文中信息化理论更多具有实践意义的内容,使论文在指导中小企业信息化进程中更有生命力。在文中还创新性地提出了信息化战略制定过程中博弈论的应用,以及战略控制方法中网络评审技术的应用。研究的目标是深化我国中小企业对信息化的系统性认识,广西人学商学院企业管理专业硕l:论文对我国中小企业信息化起到良好的促进作用;为国内中小企业充分利用后发优势、赶超世界发达国家水平,提供行之有效的解决方案。

【Abstract】 Informationlization can upgrade the management level and market competition and economy benefit of enterprise, it is the inevitable choice while facing the competition and challenge. The whole level of domestic enterprise informationlization can’t be improved without the participation of middle and small enterprise. SME1 (Small and middle enterprise informationlization) not only relates to its own existence and development, but also will affect the modernization process of China’s prosperous and strong strategy, therefore, it is an important and urgent mission.In the times of SMEI, it has already become the core in the Western developed countries, however, China’s SMEI consciousness is relatively insufficient on the whole, with the development of China’s enterprise informationlization, SMEI will inevitably become the mainstream ofenterprise informationlization, even though it is a brand new topic at present times in China. By exercising the strategic management theory frame, the paper studies the process of China’s SMEI in the hope of giving more attention to the characteristics of integration and sociality. Meanwhile, the field survey in Hangzhou, a city of mature in SMEI, endows more practical content in SMEI in the paper, and makes it more persuasive in guiding the process of SMEI. Also, the author advanced the Game theory application creatively in the process of informationlization strategy making as well as the adaptation of GERTS in the interest of deepening the systematic cognition of China’s SMEI, facilitating its process and offering the more effective ways of taking full use of the advantages of developing countries to surpass the developed countries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F270.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】527

