

Proos Reading and Annotating on Assemble Benefit Room Collection of Poems

【作者】 周生杰

【导师】 李寅生;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 苏煜坡(公元1848—1893年),字翰臣,号金堂,别号筱东行一,广西贺县开山镇人。苏早有才学,十九岁中举,此后三次会试皆名落孙山。一生主要从事于教育事业,曾任临桂教谕,主讲临江书院。闲暇之余,热衷诗歌创作,有《萃益斋诗集》(617)首流传后世。 受清代“神韵说”、“性灵说”等主流诗风的影响,苏诗清新雅致,当时便有“瓣香随园”的美誉。诗歌题材比较广泛,风格多变,语言凝炼,散发出浓郁的书卷气,在平乐诗派中占有重要位置。苏煜坡继承古圣先贤的教育理念,重视学宫建设,积极倡导办学,为家乡培养了一批后进之士。 然而,与同时活跃于诗坛的大家相比,苏诗呈现出反映生活不够深刻的不足。但无论如何,研究其人其作,是填补清代广西文学研究的一项空白。

【Abstract】 Su Yu-Po (A.D. 1848-1892), a style Hanchen, assumed name Jintang (金堂) or Xiaodongxingyi (筱东行一) , was a commoner who was born in Kaishan town, He County, Guangxi. Su had a talent and learning early, passed the imperial examinations at the provincial level at 19 years old, tried all failing at the successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations after that. Being a teach official and teaching in Linjiang academy, He engaged in the educational undertaking mainly in all his life. At the leisure, Su had being keen on poetry creation for whole life. Now there are about 617 poems collected named " assemble benefit room collection of poems " for us to read.Being influenced by " romantic charm theory" and " formal personality theory " in Qing Dynasty , Su’s poems appear freshly and gracefully, being regarded as " Suiyuan ( 随园 ) ". The subject of his poems is more extensive, the style is changeable, the language is condensed, which send strong scholarliness and occupy important position in "Pingle group(平乐诗派)" .Since Su Yu-Po inherited the education idea of the ancient holy sage of the past, paying attention to school construction, advocating education actively, he had trained a group of the juniors for the hometown. But compared with the successful poets at the same time in Guangxi, Su’s poems had the shortcoming of not reflecting society deeply. In any case , studying Su and his poems would have actual meanings to fill in the gaps in the fields of Guangxi literature study to Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】140

