

A Study on the Metapopulation Structure of Leaf Rollers on Longan and Litchi and the Technique of Control of the Main Species of Them

【作者】 周忠实

【导师】 邓国荣;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以本地龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾类为研究对象,对其发生种类、集合种群构成、种群数量变动、寄主植物种类、优势种生态学特性、综合防治技术等进行了研究,主要结果如下。 1)发生种类。明确了目前广西部分龙眼荔枝园中的卷叶蛾类有20种,其中9种过去尚未见报道。2)集合种群构成。明确了此类卷叶蛾集合种群构成的多样性指数、均匀度指数均较低,而集中性概率指数和优势度指数均较高,说明集合种群中各种类数量分布不均一,其中有某个种群数量相当大。主要优势种是三角新小卷蛾。3)田间种群数量变动。在田间此类卷蛾种类的季节消长属多峰型,3月份发生种类较多,达15种,5月份发生12种,4月和10月出现9种,其余月份发生6、7种;主要种的种群数大小依次为三角新小卷蛾>灰白条小卷蛾>圆角卷蛾,这3种的种群数量的季节消长,前一种类属多峰型,后两种属单峰型。4)寄主植物种类。通过考查已知,当地龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾类的寄主植物有多种,但其中三角新小卷蛾、灰白条小卷蛾、圆角卷蛾仅为害龙眼荔枝,属于寡食性;其余各种类属于多食性。柑桔长卷蛾为害翠蜜枣、指天椒和皱果苋,柑桔黄卷蛾为害苦丁茶、指天椒、粪箕笃,柑桔褐带卷蛾为害黑面神等,尚属首次发现。5)优势种生态学特性。三角新小卷蛾是主要优势种,龙眼荔枝是其寄主植物;幼虫在荔枝树冠上的下层、中层、上层虫口密度大小依次为下层>中层>上层;在龙眼园和荔枝园内,幼虫发生量较大时期分别于5月、7月和9月、12月;幼虫平均过冷却点和体液冰点分别为-12.78℃和-3.88℃。上述结果,不仅充实了以往人们对此卷蛾生态学特性的研究内容,且通过了解其幼虫的过冷却点和体液冰点,可间接预测该虫的可能分布区和潜在分布区。6)综合防治。通过对试区基本情况调查及药剂筛选结果表明:(1)当地龙眼荔枝各梢期受卷叶蛾为害的轻重为夏梢>秋冬梢>春梢;在龙眼园,与卷叶蛾类混合发生的主要害虫有荔枝蜷、龙眼角颊木虱、龙眼亥麦蛾、龙眼长跄萤叶甲等,其中荔枝蜷干春梢、花穗期发生为害要比卷叶蛾严重。(2)当地龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾类的天敌昆虫,目前发现有9科21种,其中松毛虫赤眼蜂在6月间对卵粒的寄生率、几种姬蜂及茧蜂在7月、9月对幼虫的自然寄生率均达3既左右;龙眼夏梢期,树冠上的蜘蛛有g科28种,其中跳蛛科数量较大,占总数65%以上。(3)米满、卡死克等2种IGR,s药剂防治龙眼卷叶蛾的效能要比几种复配型生物农药的效能好,其不仅对卷叶蛾幼虫药效好,且对松毛虫赤眼蜂、荔枝蜷卵跳小蜂、受粉昆虫一蜜蜂较安全。(4)敌百虫800倍液对为害龙眼、荔枝的三角新小卷蛾幼虫的药效及对其幼虫Ach〔的抑制率均在70%以上,说明早春用此药防治荔枝蜷时,可兼治三角新小卷蛾。上述四项结果,为制订龙眼荔枝卷叶蛾综合防治策略和措施提供了依据,其中对天敌昆虫种类的系统调查、米满对松毛虫赤眼蜂等的安全性测定、敌百虫对三角新小卷蛾幼虫AchE抑制率测定等结果,尚属首次报道。(5)运用农业防治、生物防治、IGR’s药剂一米满、辅助以人工防治龙眼卷叶蛾,可把龙眼的夏梢、秋梢的卷叶率控制在3.76%和2.34%,试区内卷蛾幼虫被寄生蜂自然寄生率平均为22.47%和27.73%,效果显著。

【Abstract】 In this article, the leaf rollers on local longan and litchi in Guangxi were taken as the objective of study, of which their species, metapopulation structure, dynamic of population, the species their host plants, ecological characters of the dominant species and technique of Integrated control to them etc. were researched. The main results were listed as follows.1) Their species. There were 20 species leaf rollers in parts of longan orchard and litchi orchard in Guangxi and 9 species of them were not reported as a pest on longan and litchi in the past time. 2) Metapopulation structure. Both the diversity indexes and the evenness indexes of metapopulation were lower, but the centrality probability index and the dominant index were higher. The results shown that the distributions of number of the different species weren’t even, and a certain species had a very vast amount. The main dominant species was Olethreutes leucaspis Meyrick. 3) The season fluctuation of population in the field. The species fluctuation of them was the pattern of several peaks. The most number of species occurred in March was 15 species, there were 12 species in May, 9 species in April and October, 6-7 species in the rest month. The main species in order were: Olethreutes leucaspis > Argyroploce aprobla > Ebodo cellerigera. The season fluctuation of population of the former was the pattern of several peaks, and the two latters were the pattern of single peak. 4) The species of host plants. We investigated the host plants of leaf rollers, the results shown that their host plants contained many species. Olethreutes leucaspis, Argyroploce aprobla and Ebodo cellerigera were the species of oligophagous, and they only damaged longan and litchi, the rest species were the species of polyphagous. In addition, we firstly discovered that Homona coffearia larvae damaged Zizyphus jujuba (Rhamnaceae), Capsicum frutescens var. conoides (Solaraceae), Amarathus viridwas (Amarathaceae) and Archips eucroca damaged Ilex kudingcha (Aquifoliaceae), Capsicum frutescens var. conoides (Solaraceae), Stephania longa (Menwaspermaceae) and Adoxphyes cyrtosemadamaged Breynia fruticosa (Euphorbiaceae). 5) Ecological characters of the dominant species. Olethreutes leucaspwas was the main dominant species, longan and litchi were its host plants. Its larvae occurred and damaged in litchi orchard, damaged tip rate and larval density in order was: the bottom of tree crown > the middle of tree crown > the top of tree crown. The period for the larger larval amount occurred in longan orchard and litchi orchard in May, July and September, respectively. The even supercooling point of larva and its even freezing point of body fluid were -12.78 C and - 3.88’C, respectively. By the results, we could enrich not only the content of ecological study on this pest insect, but also could forecast the distribution regions and the potential distribution regions of this pest insect by its supercooling point and freezing point of body fluid. 6) Integrated control of them. We investigated the basic situation of test regions and chose pesticides, the results shown that (1) the damaged degree at the different tip period was: summer tip period > fall tip period > spring tip period. There were several main other pest insects occurred and damaged along with leaf rollers in longan orchard and litchi orchard, such as Tessaratoma papillosa, Comegenapsylla sinica, Hypitima longae, Monolepta occifuvwas etc.. (2) There were 7 families, 21 species natural enemies of leaf rollers, Trichogramma dendrolimi was an important parasitic natural enemy of eggs and Ichneumon flies and Chrysalid wasps were the important larval parasitic natural enemies, the egg parasitism rate in July and the larval parasitism rate in June and September were all about 30% . In summer tip period, there were 9 families, 28 species spiders in longan orchard, among them, Salticidae population radio was over 65%. (3) Mimic and Cascade were two kinds of security and efficient pesticides, their effect on leaf rollers was better than severa

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S436.67
  • 【下载频次】165

