

Collating and Noting of the Essays by ZhaoBinglin

【作者】 孙改霞

【导师】 余瑾;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地处南疆的广西,孕育了一代又一代的文人。尤其是清代,文化的传播与远离京城的特殊地理环境,使得广西武人横逸而出,与此同时,文人崛起。但由于历史和地域等种种原因,历来很少有人研究他们,使得这些优秀的作家掩埋在历史的长河中。 本论文旨在以挖掘广西地方文学遗产,弘扬民族文化为目标。对晚清御史赵炳麟及其文集(《柏岩文存》与《潜并庐杂存》两部分)进行全面系统的分析研究。本论文着重于对赵炳麟文集部分进行校勘、标点、注释等整理工作,并在此基础上,对赵炳麟的生平思想、作品的思想内容、艺术特色进行深入分析,以期获得对赵炳麟作品的全面掌握,以及对赵炳麟的文学成就的正确评价。

【Abstract】 Guangxi , located in the south of China, has gestated large numbers of authors from generation to generation. Espessially in Qing-Dynasty, the culture’s transmitting and especial location away from the capital, make a lots of warriors occur, at the same moment, literators beginned growing up. However, due to many historical ,regional and other reasons, it’s even hard to find researchers’articles on them. Then, we have known little about them.The aim of this thesis lies on excavating local literary heritages, developing national culture and taking an overall research on ZhaoBinglin, who was an aulic historian in the late of Qing-Dynasty, and his Essay collection (including tow parts: Boyan Wen cun and Qian BingLu Za Cun). The research includes the writer’s life story, political life and literary thoughts as well as the analysis on the works’ contents of thoughts and artistic styles based on revisions and notes. It’s expected to make a candid comment on the author and his works.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】229

