

Found Business Design on Strategic Management’s Frame

【作者】 黄洪星

【导师】 唐拥军;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在企业战略领域,如何实现企业成长是一个老问题,也是企业领导人最关心的核心问题。在旧经济秩序和强调市场份额的时代,数量增长是企业成功的保证。但在市场竞争无比激烈的今天,企业领导人的关注对象正逐渐从旧式的以产品为中心、重视市场份额转向新的、以客户和利润为中心。如何从旧式的生产和服务方式中做出转变,转向以利润和客户为中心的企业设计,是每一个企业领导人所要面对的挑战。 公关行业本属于咨询行业,应当为客户提供公关咨询和顾问服务,然而绝大多数的中小型公关公司,由于缺乏规范化的管理,多数还是扮演公关项目执行者的角色。 如今,公关行业正面临经营环境和市场格局的一系列变化,中小型公关公司之间的竞争异常激烈,竞争方式也逐步从台面下的交易走向规范化,公关公司需要重新进行定位、确定自己的经营方式。 本文以一家小型公关公司为例,根据公关市场的现状提出了公关公司转变角色进行企业设计的方案。虽然企业设计包括了许多需要考虑的因素,但本文的分析侧重于公司结构设计、客户群的选择、业务范围和价值获取等方面的具体措施。在进行理论分析时注重宏观市场变化规律与微观企业运营措施的有机结合,以获取客户和利润为企业设计的根本目标,运用战略分析工具为企业搭建运行框架,引入知识共享文化为企业提供长效的发展动力。

【Abstract】 The first problem in the field of strategic management today is how the company makes to development. In the old economic order, in the age of market share, volume growth was a guarantor of success. Now markets came into a violent competition. Leaders of company focus their attention on the move from the old product centric, market share world to the new customer-centric and profit-centric environment. Every leader in business is facing the challenge of how to change their direction to a new business design of customer-centric and profit-centric.Public Relation Company should be an advisor of customer, provide service of consultant. But most of the small and mid-size Chinese PR businesses still play the role of the Public Relation performer.By this time Public Relation is in a series transition of business environment. An intense competition was taken place among the small and mid-size companies. The way of competition was come to well behaved. Public Relation Company needs to redefine itself and the way it does on business.Aiming at the actuality of Public Relation market, the author elucidates how the Public Relation Company makes a business design by redefined it self. Though a business design composed of many strategic elements, our attention is focus on (1)the design of business structures designing; (2)customer selecting; (3)scope; (4)value capture. The discussions about business design will combine the transition of market ’s regulation with company’s actually action, take aim at increasing more profit, make the running frame of enterprise by using the tool of strategic, and supply the developmental power for company by establishing organizational cultural of sharing knowledge.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】289

