

A Study on the Corporate Culture and Human Resources Integration of State-Owned GAS Enterprises After A Merger

【作者】 王强

【导师】 梁戈夫;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪末以来,全球已发生了五次大规模的并购浪潮,作为社会资源重新配置、提高资源的利用效率的一个重要手段,并购在现代企业的发展过程中已越来越多的被采用,而且并购浪潮不断扩大、形式也呈现出多样化。 我国并购开展的时间较短,但在近两年,我国的并购市场讯速成长。然而,现实中企业并购的成功率并不高。对有关并购失败原因的研究表明,并购整合是决定企业并购成功与否的一个关键环节。在公共事业行业,特别是在城市燃气行业,近一二年来在全国范围内出现了井喷式的并购浪潮。如何同时对多个被并购企业做好并购后的整合工作是摆在各大燃气集团面前的一个重要课题。 本论文首先分析国内燃气行业的现状和并购动态,总结了国内外已有的并购及并购整合理论,结合中国国有企业的特点进行并购后的管理整合分析。然后,根据一个燃气企业并购的实际情况,为企业同时管理多个并购企业的过程中,在人力资源、企业文化方面及各种管理模式的整合问题上做一个指导性的整合方案,借此提高并购整合工作的效率和效果。 由于国内企业并购的历史不长,对并购整合问题的研究在国内也刚刚起步,加之作者水平有限,文中难免有疏漏和值得商榷之处。恳请各位专家批评指正。

【Abstract】 Ever since the end of the 19th century, there have been five large-scale mergers. As an important way to re-distribute social resource and to improve the efficiency of resource utility, merging has been more adopted by modern enterprises during the course of development. Furthermore, the scale of merging has become larger and larger and the form more and more diverse.Though merging appeared just for a short period of time in our country, the market of merging has grown rapidly in recent two years. However, the chance of successful merging is not high in reality. A study of unsuccessful merging has shown that integration of merging is a decisive factor of the successful merging. So it is an important issue for every gas group to integrate every merged enterprise into itself simultaneously.This paper, firstly, analyzes the current situation of civil gas industry and the trend of merging. Secondly, it summarizes the current theories about merging both home and broad. Thirdly, according to the characteristic of State-owned Enterprises, it illustrates the integration after merging. Finally, on the basis of a study of a certain gas enterprise, it provides a guiding scenario of integrating merged enterprise in the respect of human resources, corporate culture and management models of all kinds so as to increase its efficiency.ue to the short history of merging and its primary-stage study in our country, this paper is just a tentative discussion. Criticism from specialists is warmly expected.

【关键词】 并购整合人力资源企业文化
【Key words】 mergerintegrationhuman resourcecorporate culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】458

