

Studies on the Preparation of Effective Constituents in Vaccinium Vitis Idaea L. and the Effectiveness Curing Respiratory Infection Disease

【作者】 吴修红

【导师】 王喜军;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 生药学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究利用“大孔树脂法”对越桔治疗呼吸系统感染的有效部位进行了提取、纯化工艺的优化,并对获得的有效部位进行了质量及活性研究。首先,以熊果苷及总黄酮为指标,考察最佳提取工艺;在此基础上,采用大孔树脂法,对其有效部位进行了分离与富集工艺的研究,使有效部位中的可测成分达到50%以上,收率达10%;并经中试试验,证实了该工艺的可行性;同时,本实验对越桔治疗呼吸系统感染的有效部位进行了质量标准研究,以熊果苷及总黄酮为指标对其有效部位进行质量控制,并增加测定了总黄酮的代表成分——金丝桃苷,以其为下限控制总黄酮的的含量,从而保证越桔有效部位质量的均一与稳定;同时,又以镇咳、祛痰及对机体免疫功能的影响为指标对越桔有效部位的活性进行了初步的研究,研究证明,越桔有效部位具有很强的镇咳、祛痰作用,并对机体的免疫功能有一定的增强作用。本研究结果为以越桔有效部位为原料申报第五类新药奠定了坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 In the experiment, the auther optimized the techniques of the extraction and purification of the effective constituents in Vaccinium vitis idaea L.by using the macropore absorbed resin, the quality and activity of the effective constituents was studied,the optimal technique of extraction was investigated by taking the contents of arbubin and flavonoids as indexs. The techniques of extraction and accumulation of the effective constituents were studied and more than 50% of the effective constituents were determined and the collection rate reached to 10%.The feasibility of the techniques was proved in the large experiments;the quality standard of the effective constituents curing acute and chronic respiratory infection disease was studied and the quality of the effective constituents was controlled by taking the arbubin and flavonoids as indexs,hypericum was determined as the lower limit to control the content of flavonoids and the quality stability of the effective constituents in Vaccinium vitis idaea L.was ensured;the activity of the effective constituents in Vaccinium vitis idaea L.was studied preliminary by taking antibechic,expectorant and the influence to immunity as indexs,the results showed that the remedial effect of the effective constituents in Vaccinium vitis idaea L.exhibited highly antibechic and expectorant actions and also improved the function of immunity.The results of the research contributed to the declaration of taking the effective constituents in Vaccinium vitis idaea L. as material for the Fith New Drug .

  • 【分类号】TQ464
  • 【下载频次】82

