

The Clinical Study of Treating Chronic Hepatitis B with the Method of Smoothing the Liver and Invigorating the Spleen, Removing Toxin and Activating Blood

【作者】 宋清武

【导师】 谢晶日;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文详细总结了现代医学和祖国医学对慢性乙型病毒性肝炎的认识与研究进展,当前现代医学对乙型病毒肝炎的治疗主要包括抗病毒治疗、免疫调节、饮食与心理的调节,以及新近出现的基因治疗。但仍存在若干问题尚待解决,而对这一医学难题,博大精深的祖国医学是能够做出自己贡献的。通过疏肝健脾、解毒活血法治疗慢性乙肝的临床研究,得出结论如下:第一,邪毒留着,损伤肝脏,是本病的根本病因。第二,由于病因导致的肝郁、脾虚、络脉受损而致血瘀是本病常见病理变化。日久则虚实互现。第三,根据以上总结的乙肝病性特质,所制定的疏肝健脾解毒活血法治疗乙肝,总有效率优于对照组。第四,在临床应用据本法所制定的方剂,安全有效,未见不良反应。

【Abstract】 This article summarizes completely the recognize and progress of the research of CHB in modern and Chinese medicine. The methods of treating the disease in modern medicine include anti-virus, intermediation of food and mentalstate, immunoregulation and gene treatment emerged recently. But there are still some problem to solve. Facing this medical science hard nut to crack, traditional Chinese medicine which is great and deep can do its best. Through using the treatment method that should be smoothing the liver and invigorating the spleen, while removing toxin and activating blood to cure CHB, we have got some conclusions as follows: the first, the main pathogenic factor of CHB is pathogen invasion and liver damage; the second, the etiology and pathologic change of CHB frequently is blood stasis that results from weakness of spleen, stagnation of the liver-qi and damage of the mecrovein. Repletion and vacuity will be along with each other as the time is going; the third, basing on above two points that conclude the pathogenesis of CHB, we treat CHB with the method that is smoothing the liver and invigorating the spleen, removing toxin and activating blood. As a result, the total effective rate is higher than that of the control group; the forth, in clinical the prescription based on the method not only is safe and effective but also has no untoward effects.

  • 【分类号】R259.1
  • 【下载频次】116

