

The Clinical Study in the Effect of Tong Mai Yin to Cardiac Bstruction of Deficiency Qi and Blood Stagnation Type

【作者】 刘锂

【导师】 于忠学; 龚占悦;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病简称冠心病,是危害人类健康的主要疾病。我国的发病率、死亡率虽较西方发达国家低,但从发展趋势预测,未来10到20年间其发病率、死亡率将会大幅度增加。因此在现有医疗技术条件基础上继续寻求更好的预防、治疗方法是医疗界的热点。 冠心病心绞痛可归属祖国医学的“胸痹”、“心痛”等范畴。中医学在几千年的医疗实践中总结了许多行之有效的治法、方、药,并本着“天人合一”、“辨证论治”、“治病求本”的特点,在该病的防治中显示了独特的优势。 通脉饮是导师于忠学教授生前多年临床实践总结出的治疗气虚血瘀型胸痹有效方剂,为观察本方的临床疗效,本课题选取50例气虚血瘀型胸痹患者对其心绞痛发作情况、临床症状、体征、心电图改变、硝酸甘油停减情况及血脂变化进行观察,并设50例患者作为对照组,服用养心氏。两组患者治疗1个月后,进行比较。结果表明,通脉饮可以减轻心绞痛发作,减少硝酸甘油的消耗量;改善患者临床症状、体征;改善心电图;并有较好的调节脂质代谢紊乱的作用。其作用好于养心氏对照组。

【Abstract】 As every knows, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the main ailments which are harmful to people’s health duo to its high occurrence and mortality. ,The incidence of CHD in our country will increase considerably in the next ten to twenty years though it is lower than that in the western countries. So exploring effective methods for preventing and treating CHD is the key problem in the medical field.CHD angina pectoris is owing to epigastric pain and cardiac obstruction in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It had developed a systematic therapeutic method in the treatment of CHD during several thousands of years and showed superiority for its characteristics of therapy with syndrome differentiation, treatment based on the principle cause and integration of man and nature.Tong mai yin is an effective prescription in the treatment of cardiac obstruction of deficiency qi and blood stagnation type according to the tutor’s experiences. 30 cases were randomly divided into two groups, that is treatment group and control group which is given YangXinShi pills administration. It showed that Dcoction of Promoting Vessels had good regulations on breaking times of angina pectoris, expending capacity of Nitroglycerin, clinical syndrome of patients, electrocardiogram and metabolic disorder of lipid and is superior to YangXinShi pills.

  • 【分类号】R259.4
  • 【下载频次】143

