

Customer Relationship Management in Top-grade Chinese Restaurant

【作者】 陈丽英

【导师】 王平;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 旅游管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的进步、经济的繁荣和高级社交宴请活动的日益频繁,中餐业向着高档化的方向发展,中式高档餐馆的出现满足了国内外部分高消费群体的需求,客户经济时代的到来使得客户与企业之间的关系受到空前的重视,越来越多的实践证明,中式高档餐馆成功的关键在于提供能满足顾客需求的产品与服务,有效的管理客户关系,以确保顾客获得较高的满意度,通过维持长期的、良好的客户关系来营造新的竞争优势。本文的研究目的即是将中式高档餐馆与客户关系管理结合起来,将客户关系管理的理论与方法,有选择、有创造的推演运用至餐饮领域,使客户关系管理进一步专门化、细分化,探索如何发展更稳固、回报率更高、获利能力更强的客户关系,基于此构建了一套比较完整的中式高档餐馆客户关系管理体系。 在具体内容方面,本文从中式高档餐馆这一角度提出了客户关系管理的兴起、现状、内涵、策略和保障机制。其中,对相关概念的界定和策略部分工作具有一定的开创性。本文提出的策略有:客户信息管理是客户关系管理的基础;差别关系战略体现了客户关系管理“区分客户关系,集中精力于最具价值客户身上”的思想;高度个性化服务策略是中式高档餐馆客户关系管理的精髓;超出客户期望策略是餐饮服务成功的万能钥匙;客户抱怨转化为客户忠诚是在服务补救环节建立良好客户关系,创造客户忠诚的机会。 本文的研究方法主要有规范研究、实证研究、定性研究及定量研究方法。通过对客户关系管理的理论基础的梳理,探寻一般规律,提炼理论观点。在具体研究中,笔者又走访了不少优秀的中高档餐饮企业,进行大量的实证研究,深入了解中式高档餐馆客户关系管理的要素,为论文的撰写积累丰富的素材。在定性研究中,以文献分析法和个案分析法为主。在量的研究中通过向餐馆管理人员发放问卷,尽可能的获得翔实的第一手资料。 本文的理论意义在于:首先客户关系管理还是一门新生科学,在解决客户关系管理的理论和实践问题的同时将会丰富和完善客户关系管理的理论体系;其次目前关于本主题可资借鉴的文献较少,本文的研究视角具有独特的力度,对于客户关系管理在中式高档餐馆中的应用界定研究范式。本文的现实意义在于:对中式高档餐馆的客户关系管理决策提供理论依据,同时,对于CRM软件行业来说,也给他们的软件开发提供了新的思路。

【Abstract】 With rapid progress of society, the prosperity of economy and the increasing celebrations of high-quality feast, more and more Chinese food industries tend to pursue high standard. Top-grade Chinese restaurant has arisen to meet the demands of high-level consumers. As the advent of customer-oriented era, people pay more attention to the relationship between customers and enterprises than ever. The key to success for top-grade Chinese restaurant, which has been proved, depends on the satisfaction of customers to the products and services, which restaurants provide, and the efficient supervision of the relationship with customers, which could ensure the content of customers. Maintaining the long-term and good connections with customers could create new advantage of competitions. The objectives of this research are applying the theories and methods of CRM to the management of restaurants through combining top-grade Chinese restaurants and CRM selectively and creatively. In order to make customer relationship management further specialized and classified, hence CRM could be adaptable to top-grade Chinese restaurant, the major task of this dissertation is to discuss how to gain more stable, more rewarding financially and more profitable relationship with customers, afterwards construct a complete CRM framework of top-grade Chinese restaurant based on above.In terms of the general content, it introduces the appearance, the present situation, the meaning, the strategy and the assurance system of CRM respecting to the aspect of top-grade Chinese. Then it goes on to analyze the connotation concerning the main topic, such as the description of top-grade Chinese restaurant, customer value, relationship value, the whole process of customer relationship management in top-grade Chinese restaurant etc, some of which reflect original idea. So far as the heart of this dissertation is concerned, the tactics part aims to make some pioneering and innovative thinking, which includes: Customer information management is the basis of customer relationship management; Differential relationship strategy illustrates the ideology crucial to customer relationship management, that is distinguishing profitable customer and then paying much more attention on them; Highly -customized service tactics show the quintessence of customer relationship management in Chinese top-grade restaurant; Expectation-Plus tactics is the skeleton key to successful service; Converting customer complaints to customer loyalty is reestablishing relationship with customers after making mistakes.The theoretic contributions of the study mainly consist in two aspects: At first, customer relationship management is obviously a rather new subject. While solving the theoretic and practical problems of customer relationship management, the study will enrich and improve the relevant theories. Then at present due to insufficient relevant reference, this research offers a special point of view, which offers a paradigm to the-Abstractlatter researchers who want to further study this field. As to the practice contribution, the study is significant in that it provides theoretic support and decision-making guideline, in the meantime; it also offers a new solution for the CRM software company, who will benefit from the new ideas in the further research and development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】859

