

【作者】 陈大鹏

【导师】 王宁会;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要论述了嵌入式CAN/Ethernet网关的研究与应用。嵌入式网关的开发是为了实现原有系统中工控机和CAN适配卡的组合具有的功能,将CAN网络在原有拓扑不变的情况下加入以太网,使整个系统成本更低、性能更好,也为现场总线和以太网的结合寻找一种具体的方案。 嵌入式网关选用TMS320LF2407A芯片作为CPU控制RTL8029AS网卡的硬件组成,用软件实现了TCP/IP协议栈。论文的主要工作包括: 1.利用可编程逻辑器件实现了PCI主控接口,作为CPU访问网卡的桥梁,实现了系统对以太网帧数据的发送和接收。 2.将嵌入式操作系统μc/os-Ⅱ移植到TMS320LF2407A的处理器环境中,为网关完成复杂的协议转换提供了实时的内核。 3.设计了基于μc/os-Ⅱ操作系统的应用软件系统,实现了TCP/IP协议和CAN协议的解析与转换。 4.设计了监控软件对嵌入式网关的应用系统进行了运行监测,借助于网络诊断工具实现了嵌入式网关的性能测评。 嵌入式网关完成了对原有系统的改造,实现了局域网内主机对CAN网络各节点的访问,性能优于原有监控系统的指标。嵌入式网关的研究与应用为现场总线和以太网的结合提供了较好的思路,为现场总线的继续发展和以太网向设备底层的延伸找到了最好的结合点。

【Abstract】 The paper introduces the development and applications of embedded CAN-bus/Ethernet gateway. To get the function of industrial computer& Can Adapter, CAN-bus/Ethernet gateway is to be developed. The gateway takes the CAN nodes into Ethernet and it makes cost of the monitor system lower and performance better.Embedded CAN-bus/Ethernet gateway controls RTL8029AS NIC using TMS320LF2407A and realizes TCP/IP protocols in software. Main contents of the paper are as follows.1. The design of PCI master interface using CPLD is introduced in this paper. The interface acts as a bridge between CPU and NIC. It realizes sending and receiving of Ethernet frame.2. The migration of Operating system- u c/os-II on TMS320LF2407 is introduced in this paper. The RTOS provides a good software development environment for users.3. The program of applications based onu c/os-II is described in the paper. The software realizes protocols converting.4. The program of monitor software and using of sniffer tools are introduced. They help debug and test the gateway.The gateway is used in reconstruction of a monitor system based on CAN-Bus and has good performance. The study and application of CAN-Bus/Ethernet gateway gives a better method for combination of f ieldbus and Ethernet. The introduction of these gateways brings development of fieldbus and Ethernet in industry control fields together in the future.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】401

