

Study on Rural Residential Community Planning in South of Jiangsu Province

【作者】 管春时

【导师】 陆伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家对“三农”问题的重视和农村改造运动的开展,农村居住空间建设问题的研究越来越具有现实意义。 本文通过对建筑学领域居住空间理论研究的回顾,可以发现,西方国家从二十世纪60年代起,面对大规模快速发展的居住区建设带来的一系列社会问题,兴起了居住社区的建设活动。居住社区规划把“社区”这一社会学研究成果引入了居住空间领域,促使了居住区规划向居住社区规划的转变。 本文以苏南农村为研究对象,通过对苏南农村居住空间建设的历史演变,现状问题及社会、经济等动因的深入分析,尝试从整体上对社会转型中的苏南农村进行剖析,提出了苏南农村社区整体营造观点。在此基础上,文章围绕社区规划的核心问题—社区归属感的建立,从苏南农村居住社区形态空间建构和社区参与机制角度深入探讨了整体营造的具体内容。

【Abstract】 With government’s regarding to the problems of country and carrying on to reconstruction of country, the study on rural residential spaces becomes more and more realistic.Through reviews on the history of theory of residential space development, we can find out that since 1960s, there appeared community construction movement in western countries, which introducing the community concept-the result of sociology study-into the residential space field and makes transit from residential district planning to residential community planning.The thesis tries to takes the southern countryside of Jiangsu province as research object. With grounding on the overall analyses of current conditions, main problems of residential spaces and its social, economic reasons etc, the thesis brings forward to the concept of holistic constructions. Then, based on the core problem of the building up of community attachment, this thesis promotes some rules and strategies of the holistic constructions of rural residential community planning in South of Jiangsu province, which are mainly based on two sides: the construction of physical spaces and the construction of public participation.

  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】675

