

The Research on Fuzzy Sliding-mode Control Method

【作者】 李雨晨

【导师】 徐进学;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪五十年代,前苏联学者Emelyanov首次提出变结构的概念,然后Utkin和Itkis等人进一步发展了变结构系统理论。七十年代,变结构系统以其独特的优点和特性引起了西方学者的广泛重视。众多学者从不同的理论角度,运用各种数学手段,对变结构控制进行了深入研究,使变结构控制理论逐渐发展成为一个独立的研究分支。变结构拧制是一种十分有效的鲁棒控制策略。近年来,随着鲁棒控制、自适应控制和模糊控制等理论研究领域的不断发展,变结构控制理论得到了快速的发展。 根据变结构理论发展的研究现状以及实际应用对变结构控制理论研究所提出的新要求,本文针对变结构控制中面临的一些问题,进行了深入的研究,并最终给出了相应的研究结果。本文的主要研究工作概括如下: 1、提出基于T-S模糊神经网络的变结构控制方法。选择误差及其各阶导数的线性集结作为切换面,用趋近律方法设计变结构控制律,引入T-S模糊神经网络,使实际输出始终跟踪给定值。运用T-S模糊神经网络自组织自调节功能,隶属度的各项参数在线调整,来满足期望的控制效果。 2、基于积分变结构控制提出模糊积分变结构控制方法,综合了积分变结构稳态误差小和模糊控制自组织的特点:同时加入了灰色模型,对参数摄动等不确定部分进行辨识,并引入补偿控制,改善控制效果。 3、根据模糊积分变结构控制方法,对三阶倒立摆模型进行仿真研究,基本思想是对倒立摆模型在工作点附近进行线性化,将线性化过程中忽略的各个量全部看作不确定项,根据不确定项的大小实时调整控制律中符号函数的系数,保证系统稳定。 最后是全文的总结和展望。

【Abstract】 In the 1950s, Sovist researcher-Emelyanov first proposed the conception of variable structure. Furthermore, the theory of variable structure system(VSS) was developed by Utkin and Itkis etc. In the 1970s, the VSS got extensive attention of the western researchers for its distinct features. It has been deeply studied from the different aspects with many mathematic methods. Now the VSS already becomes a relative independence research branch. Variable structure control(VSC) is an effective robust control strategy. In the recent years, with the development of all kinds of control theory, such as robust control, adaptive control and fiizzy control etc, the theory of VSC has also obtained development rapidly.Based on the study status of VSS and the new requirements from the practice for the theory of VSC, some ways are put forward to resolve the problems existed in VSC, also the corresponding results are given. The main contents are as follows:1. A variable structure control method based on T-S fuzzy neural network (FNN) is brought forward. The linear combination of the error and its derivative are selected as switch surface, and then the tendency law method is used to design VSC control law. T-S FNN is imported, so that the actual output can trail the given value. The self-organize and self-regulate ability of T-S FNN is utilized to adjust some parameter of the subjection function online, so that the anticipant control purpose can be satisfied.2. A fuzzy integral VSC method based on integral VSC method is put forward. The characteristic of integral VSC method and the fuzzy control is integrated. Synchronously the uncertainties such as parameter change are estimated by affiliating gray model, control impact is improved by import compensate control.3. Some research on three-order inverted pendulum has been done based on the fuzzy integral VSC method above. The essence thought is to get the linear model near the work pointfrom the nonlinear model, look upon all the items ignored during linear course as uncertainties, the stabilization of the system is guaranteed by adjusting the coefficient of the sign function online according to the uncertainties.The summarization and prospect are given in the end of the paper.

  • 【分类号】TP13
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】544

