

An Analysis on the Tragic Sense of Zhang Ailing’s Novels

【作者】 黄长华

【导师】 辜也平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 张爱玲用小说揭示了旧中国都市社会的种种灰色人生,同情于灰色人物的心灵创伤和心灵荒芜。她的为数不多的创作予人最深刻的印象便是其小说文本在一种幽深缥缈的意境中流贯着一条清晰而又浓重的悲剧意识。张爱玲的悲剧意识来源于她对时代、对社会、对人生的悲剧性体认,呈现出鲜明的文化特征。她善于收集都市社会的光怪陆离和风俗人情的曲折丰富,善于吸收东西方文化、尤其是中国传统文化中契合其情趣的成分并将此组合成一个奇异而独特的小说世界。张爱玲的悲剧意识中有彻底的绝望,但又在审美的层次上用生活审美化的倾向自觉削弱悲剧意识的浓重,因此显得强烈而又独特。中国古代文学的悲哀特色和乐感文学的特点对张爱玲发挥了决定性的影响,从根本上看,张爱玲是一位具有典型的传统文化品格的作家,具有丰厚的文化底蕴。她用悲剧意识关照都市同常生活,为海派文学注入新的灵魂;她消解现代神话和人性传奇,解析民族文化心理,对封建宗法制度和封建文化展开凌厉深切的拷问,其悲剧意识具有独特的文化意义。凭借中国传统文人感时忧生的文化人格,张爱玲的小说准确把握世俗人情,并因此涉及到对人类生存和人类命运的哲理思考。

【Abstract】 This article probes the tragic sense of Zhang Ailing from three perspectives: the characteristics, the modern significance and its relation with literal conventions. Zhang lived all her life in tragic solitude. She stood out in Shanghai literal coterie in the 1940s with her novels that were unique, popular but elegant, and conventional but creative. She had all that were required of a writer: sensitivity, exquisiteness and sympathy. She depicted people of gray lives and was sympathetic for their trauma and desolation. Over the long period ranging from 1943 when she made herself known for the first time, to the end of the 80s,she composed but few novels that impressed readers with a clear, thick streak of tragedy against misty setting. This sense of tragedy was cultivated out of her cognition of life, society and time, from which she collected the appropriate elements to map out her distinct mosaic. Desperation was conveyed in her works but had been subdued esthetically, which entails the distinction of her tragic sense and endurance of her novels. She was decidedly influenced by the rhythmicness and sentimentality that is ancient Chinese literature. She viewed the metropolitan life with her distinct sense of tragedy, lending fresh blood to the soul of Shanghai School. Culturally, her tragic sense acquired rich deposit in the melting pot that amalgamating the fabulous modemisticity, legendary humanity, cultural awareness, and feudalism that was mercilessly broken down. With inheritance of philanthropist convention, she grasped the worldly souls, which involves philosophic speculation on the existence and destiny of human beings.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3854

