

On the Rising of the Rural Clan Force and Its Countermeasures

【作者】 范佐来

【导师】 王岗峰;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 社会学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 农村宗族势力在数千年的历史中发生着变迁。进入近代以来,农村宗族势力明显走向衰弱,特别是在建国后经过历次运动的打击,逐渐消失在人们的视野中。然而,自20世纪80年代始,农村宗族活动在农村一些地区再次兴起,农村宗族势力在农村一些地区也再度抬头,甚至在一些农村地区蔓延扩张。农村宗族势力虽然表现出“有限的合理性”,但是其对农村社会的发展的影响更不可忽视。本文立足历史唯物主义,从社会学、社会心理学等角度,运用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,对农村宗族势力的历史发展进行考察,阐述了当前农村宗族势力抬头的具体表现,简要概括了农村宗族势力抬头呈现的特点,从地理环境、历史、经济、政治、文化、法制、心理等多角度分析了农村宗族势力抬头的复杂原因,深刻、细致探讨了农村宗族势力抬头的消极影响和危害,最后提出应从经济、政治、文化、法制、人口流动、社会保障等方面着手,采取切实有效的对策,各方面相互配合进行综合治理,加快农村宗族势力消解的进程。

【Abstract】 The rural clan force has been changed in history for thousands of years. Since modern times, rural clan force has gone downhill obviously, especially having undergone all previous blow of sport after the foundation of the state, and has faded. But since the eighties of the 20th century, the activity of clan has risen again in the countryside. The rural clan force has been revived in some areas of countryside, even spread and expanded in some rural areas. Though the rural clan force demonstrates "limited rationality ", its impacts on the development of rural society still can’t be ignored. This paper is based on the historical materialism, in terms of sociology, social psychology.etc.uses the method to the qualitative and quantitative analysis, investigates the historical development of the rural clan force, explains present rural clan force concrete behavior , summarizes briefly rural clan force characteristic that has appeared, analyzes its complicated reasons from the perspective of geographical environment, history, economy, politics , culture , legal system , psychology, probes into its negative influence and danger, proposes setting from such respects as economy, politics , culture , legal system , flowing of population , social security .etc., and finally adopts the effective countermeasures. Suggestion are made that different fields cooperate and carry on comprehensive administration, and accelerate the process of the elimination of the rural clan’s force.

【关键词】 宗族势力原因对策
【Key words】 clan forcereasoncountermeasures
  • 【分类号】C913.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】749

