

Pursuit and Deflection

【作者】 王云翠

【导师】 陈孝华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 郑超麟是中共党史上一位复杂的历史人物。他前半生政治生涯及其思想前后变化很大。1927年中国大革命失败是其政治思想变化的分界点,大革命失败前郑超麟信仰马克思主义,大革命失败后畈依托洛茨基主义。本文以历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义为指导,运用历史的、逻辑的以及比较分析的方法,探讨郑超麟前半生政治思想嬗变原因,论述他在不同时期的政治思想内涵,并进行了分析与评价,希求客观公正地评价其人。

【Abstract】 Zheng Chaolin was a controversial figure in the history of the Chinese Communist Party. His political career and his thoughts changed very greatly during his earlier life. The Failure of the Great Revolution in 1927 was the boundary of his political ideology evolution. Before the failure of the great revolution, Zheng accepted Marxism, after then he relied on Trotskyism. Based on historical materialism and dialectical materialism and the historical, the logistic and the comparative analytical methods, the essay studies the reasons of his political ideology evolution, elaborates, analyses and appraises his political opinions during his earlier life ,and hopes to appraise him objectively.

【关键词】 郑超麟嬗变政治主张
【Key words】 Zheng ChaolinEvolutionPolitical Opinions
  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【下载频次】147

