

Linguistic Form and Cognition: A Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of the Style of English Parallelism

【作者】 雷应传

【导师】 林大津;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在通过对英语平行结构风格性的关联阐释揭示语言形式的认知机制,并试图探索语言形式与认知的内在联系。 通过对英语平行结构的详细分析,我们发现了其背后的认知因素。因此,我们运用法国学者斯珀伯(Sperber)和英国学者威尔逊(Wilson)提出的关联理论(属于认知语用学理论范畴),从认知角度对英语平行结构的风格性进行了详细阐释。所有这些努力意在探索语言形式与认知的内在联系。 我们首先简要介绍了关联理论的主要观点,尤其是其关于风格与修辞的论述。通过运用这些理论,我们对英语平行结构的认知基础进行了详细分析。关联理论的风格观认为:风格即关系;风格产生于寻求关联性的过程;显著风格性产生于对一系列弱暗含的处理,而不同于普通的寻求关联性的过程。关联理论的修辞观则认为:“与关联原则一致”贯穿于所有话语的理解过程。利用这些理论,我们围绕关联性这一基本定义对英语平行结构的风格性进行了详尽的分析,以严谨的论证方式证明了英语平行结构具备极强的风格性,同时结合英语平行结构在公众演讲及广告运用中的实例说明其在实际运用中的特点。所有这些论证都进一步证明语言形式具备认知基础,而人类认知则受关联性支配。在此基础上,我们进一步推导出结论:尽管命题一样,不同的语言形式可以产生不同的关联性;选择恰当的语言形式有助于增强话语的关联性;我们应当揭示语言形式背后的认知机制,而不是仅限于将语言形式的解释形式化。 简而言之,关联理论从认知角度对语言形式的风格性进行了很好的阐释,并为揭示语言形式与认知的内在联系提供了一个强有力的理论框架。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims to expound the cognitive basis of linguistic form through a relevance-theoretic interpretation of the style of English Parallelism, with an attempt to explore the correlation between linguistic form and cognition.After a careful analysis of English Parallelism, we find the cognitive basis underlying the linguist form of English Parallelism. As such, we employ Sperber & Wilson’s Relevance Theory to make a detailed interpretation of the style of English Parallelism through a cognitive point of view. All these efforts are devoted to a greater attempt: to explore the correlation between linguistic form and cognition.We first make a general introduction of the key notions of relevance theory, in particular the relevance-theoretic view on style and rhetoric, and we use these theories to explain to full extent the cognitive basis of English Parallelism. The relevance-theoretic view on style boils down to the following: style is the relationship; style arises in the pursuit of relevance; poetic effects result from the accessing of a large array of very weak implicatures in the otherwise ordinary pursuit of relevance. By employing these theories, together with the relevance-theoretic view on rhetoric, which claims that "consistency with the principle of relevance" is the only principle in the comprehension procedure, we then expound in great detail the strong style of English Parallelism, with focus on the definition of relevance. These ideas are further supported by our careful illustration of its stylistic use in pubic speaking and advertising. All these interpretations prove that linguistic form is based on cognition, which is governed by the search for relevance. On this basis, we further conclude: different linguistic forms can produce relevance of differing degrees regardless of the same prepositional forms; choosing efficient linguistic forms can facilitate the search for relevance and thus greater contextual effects are achieved; instead of interpreting linguistic form in rigid formal features, we shall try to expose to the fullest extent the cognitive basis of linguistic form.In brief, relevance theory can interpret quite convincingly the style of linguistic form through the perspective of cognition, and thus provides a very good framework for better exploring the correlation between linguistic form and cognition.

【关键词】 英语平行结构语言形式认知关联风格修辞
【Key words】 English ParallelismLinguistic formCognitionRelevanceStyleRhetoric
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【下载频次】451

