

Variation of Water Quality and Sediment Internal Loading in Shanzai Reservoir as the Second Drinking Water Source for Fuzhou City

【作者】 李家兵

【导师】 张江山;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 山仔水库是福建省重要淡水资源之一,也是福州市第二饮用水水源地,其水质的好坏直接关系到福州市民健康安全。近年来,由于生活废水、生产废水、网箱养鱼、养猪、地表径流等,尤其是大量的溶解态的有机和无机营养物质(氮、磷)进入到水库当中,造成水质恶化。因此,在2000年末福建人民政府颁布了《敖江流域水源保护管理办法》,对水库污染水质进行治理。短期内,水质得到了一定的好转,但是环库污染截流一段时间后,水体富营养化程度却又呈现恶化趋势,现水库底泥中营养元素的释放是造成富营养化的主要原因之一。基于以上背景和获得的数据,本文分析山仔水库富营养化变化规律,讨论引起水质富营养化的内在原因,着重研究了水库底泥的营养盐释放问题。本研究试图为山仔水库富营养化控制与治理提供科学决策的理论根据,也为本省内的其它富营养化水库的研究提供借鉴。本论文的主要研究成果: 1、通过比较山仔水库十年的水质数据,得出如下结论: ①对于不同水期有平水期水质好于丰水期和枯水期,其中丰水期水质最差;对于不同地点有霍口水质最差,其次为日溪、小沧,坝前水质有所提高,由此可见,这种状况与降雨量和库区沿岸生活污染源有着直接的关系。 ②叶绿素a与PH、CODMn和藻类总数都存在极显著的相关关系。 ③水质指标在水平方向上是沿水流方向有逐渐减小的趋势。DO和pH在垂直方向上是沿水深有减小趋势,水库底部处于厌氧和微弱的酸性环境,而总氮、总磷在山秀园和坝前沿水深方向是逐渐增加的。 2、采用属性识别理论模型对水库水质年际间、月际间进行富营养化评价,结果表明山仔水库1997、1998、1999、2003属于富营养化水平,1996、2000、2001、2002属于中-富营养水平;一年之内,8、9、5三个月摘要 份水质富营养化程度最高,2、3、4、6四个月次之,10、11、12、1 四个月水质最好达到中营养水平,研究进一步发现富营养化程度与外 界不同污染源密切相关。3、实验室内,模拟不同温度下(根据季节的变化)底泥样品的泥一水界面 营养盐静态释放,结果发现总磷表观释放速度的平均值分别为1.996 mg/m,·d(15oC)和2.873 mg/mZ·d(25oC)。氨氮表观释放速度的平 均值分别为47.09 mg/mZ·d(15oC)和59.45 mg/m,·d(25oC),然后 应用GIS与遥感影像、地形图得出水库底部地形和底泥释放面积,从 而得出全年磷释放总量为4.slt/a,氨氮为120.25t/a。研究同时发 现底泥释放强度是沿水流方向逐渐增加的。

【Abstract】 Shanzai reservoir is one of the important freshwater resources in Fujian province, and also the second drinking water source for Fuzhou city, so the water quality directly affects Fuzhou citizen’s health. Recently ,because of the wastewater discharge from living , net culturing, hoggery, runoff, etc., especially, excessive loading of dissolved and particulate organic matter and inorganic nutrients (N and P), the quality of reservoir has deteriorated. At the end of 2000, "The measures of protecting and managing Aojiang area" was promulgated by Fujian province, and excessive loading of nutrients was forbidden to enter the reservoir directly. In short term, the water quality has been gradually restoring in the surface water, but after a while a steady increase in eutrophication has been observed subsequently. Eutrophication may be maintained by internal loading, which corresponds to the release of nutrients from the reservoir sediment into the water column. Based on above background and the data obtained, the thesis discusses the essential reasons for the waterbody of eutrophication , furthermore, studies that potential internal loading of nutrients from the sediments to water column. This research not only provides the scientific base to manage and control Shanzai reservoir , but also has the advantage of other reservoirs’ control in Fujian province.This thesis primarily draws several conclusions, as follows : 1 By comparison of the water quality in 10 years, some results are obtained .(1)For different seasons, the water quality of the wet season is the worst of all, and that of the dry season is better than that of the normal season ; for different sites ,the water quality of Huokou is worse than that of the other three sites ,and the water quality is worse at Rixi and Xiaocang, but the water quality of Baqian is improved ,which indicate temporal pattern has a direct relation with precipitation and domestic pollution source . (2)Chla has a remarkable correlativity with PH CODMn and the amount of alga.(3)Water quality is decreasing along current .DO and PH is decreasing along from surface to bottom , so the bottom of reservoir is anoxic and feeble acid condition, while TN and TP are increasing along vertical bearing at Shanxiuyuan and Baqian. 2 The adoption of Attribute recognition theory to evaluate eutrophicationfor different periods and inter-annual, the results showed that trophic state of 1997-1999 and 2003 is eutrophic ,and trophic state of 1996, 2000-2002 is in the middle of mesotrophic and eutrophic level; for one year , trophic state of Aug. Sep. and May is worst of a whole year ,and that of Feb, Mar, Apr, and Jun is worse, and Oct, Nov, Dec, and Jan is best .Furthermore, trophic state corresponds to different pollution well. 3 Nutrient exchange patterns between sediment-water interface was simulated with the soft-sediment core samples at different temperatures (due to seasonal changes) in the laboratory, and we drew several conclusions: The average speed of release of TP is 1.996 (15X2) mg/m2 d, 2.873 mg/m2d (25C) and NH/-N is 47.09 mg/m2 d (15C) ,59.45 mg/m2 d (25C) respectively .And then ,applying GIS photo of remote sensing and relief map ,the result shows that the internal loading of TP and NH/-N are 4.51t/a and 120.25t/a,respectiveIy. At the same time, the release intensity is increasing along current.

  • 【分类号】X524
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】296

