

The Primary Study on Micromorphology of Leaf and Chemical Component of Syzygium Grijsii (Hance) Merr.et Perry

【作者】 刘小芬

【导师】 刘剑秋;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 植物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对轮叶蒲桃Syzygium grijsii(Hance)Merr.et Perry不同居群植物叶片进行大小比较和叶片的光学与电镜显微形态观察,对轮叶蒲桃叶片挥发油、黄酮类化合物、果实营养成分、种子油脂肪酸组分、果实红色素理化性质及化学组分进行初步研究分析,研究结果表明: 1.福建省内16个不同居群轮叶蒲桃叶片中,闽西的长汀、明溪、连城三地叶片长阔比在1.5:1左右,为阔椭圆形叶;闽东、闽北、闽南等各地的13个居群叶片大小不等,长阔比集中在3:1~5:1,为长椭圆形或近带形叶。轮叶蒲桃叶片上下表皮均无表皮毛,上表皮不具气孔器;表皮细胞为不规则形,角质层为小穴状的光滑纹饰,气孔器为平列型、散生型分布,气孔器外拱盖内缘与保卫细胞表面光滑;垂周壁式样在不同居群间有波状、浅波状、平直、弓形等几种类型,且在上下表皮间存在式样一致或有多元化现象;气孔器平均长度为13.99um,平均宽度为10.70um:气孔密度范围640个/mm~2~1600个mm~2不等;气孔指数12.44~28.51。 2.轮叶蒲桃叶片挥发油含量最高月份在6~8月,最高含量为0.5%左右,主要化学成分为萜烯与萜烯醇类化合物。福建闽候居群轮叶蒲桃叶片挥发油主要检出成分为β-荜澄茄烯(16.31%)、β-杜松烯(10.78%)、Elixene(8.36%)、τ-杜松烯(5.23%);长汀居群叶片挥发油主要检出成分为匙叶桉油烯醇(11.29%)、β-芹子烯(8.72%)、τ-杜松烯(8.23%)、τ-依兰油烯(6.68%)、香树烯(6.24%)、α-古芸烯(5.58%)。不同居群叶片挥发油检出的化合物大致相同,但在主要成分的含量方面存在一定的差异。 3.轮叶蒲桃叶片总黄酮含量最高月份在6~8月,最高含量约为2.5%~3.0%。其中芦丁含量为0.611%,槲皮素含量为0.004%。 4.轮叶蒲桃果实水分含量为73.29%;干果中含总糖3.27%,还原糖2.27%,NaCl 0.58%,粗灰分3.25%,粗纤维7.11%,粗蛋白4.83%;果实中含有多种氨基酸,果肉中含量为31.96mg/g,种子中含量为17.86mg/g。 5.轮叶蒲桃青果种子含油量为0.884%,成熟果种子含油量为1 .53%。种子油以饱和脂肪酸为主,其中月桂酸含量最高。种子油在形成过程中脂肪酸组成变化较大,果实成熟过程中USFA/S队值由0.13攀升至1 .13。成熟果种子油中不饱和脂肪酸总含量超过50%。 6.轮叶蒲桃果实红色素为水溶性花青素类色素,在酸性条件下稳定性好。对光、热耐受性好,抗氧化性较弱,抗还原性极差。Na+、Mg2+、A13+、葡萄糖、蔗糖、柠檬酸等对色素稳定性无明显的不良影响并有不同程度的护色作用;Fe3+、euZ+、Mn,+、znZ+、维生素e、苯甲酸钠等对色素有明显的破坏作用。纸色谱法分离花色营,结合紫外可见光吸收光谱特征与Rf值比较,初步鉴定该红色素组分为芍药定一3一葡萄糖营、芍药定一3一半乳糖营、锦葵定一3一葡萄糖普、锦葵定一3一半乳糖昔、芍药定一3一芸香糖昔。 轮叶蒲桃是一种分布广泛、数量较多,有较大开发利用前景的野生资源植物,尤其在挥发油与色素的利用方面更有重要的意义,本文对轮叶蒲桃的研究探索将为其综合开发利用提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 Syzygium grijsii (Hance) Merr.et Perry is a evergreen shrub which is distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi province,ect.in China. Syzygium grijsii bears white flowers from June to August. Its fruits are in black and edibe. Presently, there has none of report about components from the front of Syzygium grijsii. The paper studies the shape of leaves and the microstructure of Syzygium grijsii from different populations by means of optic microscope and scanning electron microscope. Volatile oil and flavonoids in the leaf, nutrition components of the fruit, fatty acids of seed oil, red pigment of the pulp are studied by much chromatographic technique at the same time. The main results are as follows:1.There has distinct diversity of the shape of the leaves which are from 16 different populations in Fujian province. The leaves from Changtin county population, Mingxi county population and Liancheng county population, which shape is more roundisher and more wider. The proportion of the length and the width is about 1.5:1, so the shape of the leaves is broad ellepse; And the shape of the leaves from another populations is long ellepse, which the proportion of the length and the width is from 3:1 to 5:1.Micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis of different populations of Syzygium grijsii are examined by LM and SEM. There has no epidermal hairs in upper and lower leaf epidermis, and stomatal apparatus are only located in the lower’s. Epidermal cells are atactic which pattern of anticlilnal wall have many types like sinuate, sinuolate, straight and bow in different populations, for example.The inner margin of the outer stomatal rim, the surface of the grard cell and the cuticular membrane are nearly smooth. The stomatal apparatus’s size (the average size is 13.99X 10.70um), density (from 640 unit per mm2 to 1600 unit per mm2), exponent (from 12.44 to 28.51 ) and the adjuncts of the leaf epidermis are so discrepant in different populations that these characters have not taxonomic significance.2. There are many oil glands in the leaf of Syzygium grijsii. Collect the fresh tressesfrom different areas and dry in the shade and comminute them, then collect the volatile oil of the leaf by water distillation. The content of volatile oil in one year from different areas is from 0.40mL/100g to 0.52mL/100g.Volatile oil were studied by means of the GC/MS/DS and the content of each constituent was determined by area normalization method. The major components are sesquiterpenoid and terpenol. Thirty five constituents were identified which account for 84.09% of the volatile oil from Minhou county population, like P -Cubebene (16.31%), P -Cadinene (10.78%),Elixene (8.36%), - Cadinene (5.23%),Humulene (4.99%), -Muurolene (4.87%), P -Caryophyllene (2.74%), B -Elemene (2.73%), a -Cubebene (2.59%), Copaene (2.40%), P -Bourbonene (2.10%), ect. And thirty two constituents were identified which account for 72.08% of the volatile oil from Changtin county population, like Spathulenol (11.29%), B-Selinene (8.72%), - Cadinene (8.23%), -Muurolene (6.68%), Aromadendrene (6.24%), a -Gurjunene (5.58%), B-Elemene (3.58%), Humulene (2.14%), Elixene (2.01%), etc.3. On the base of preliminary experiment, flavonoids was found in leaf of Syzygium grijsii. The total flavonoids from different populations extracted and purified by polycaprolactan and determined. It is revealed that the content of flavonoids is the highest from June to August, it’s 2.97% of Minhou population and 2.51% of Changtin population respectively. The content of Rutin and Quercetin in leaf of Syzygium grijsii from Minhou population were determined by HPLC. The results show that the content of Rutin is 0.611% and the content of Quercetin is 0.004%.4.The nutrition components of the dry fruit of Syzygium grijsii are studied by chemical methods. The compostions are water 73.29%, total sugar 3.27%, reducing sugar 2.27%, NaCI 0.58%, ash 3.25%, crude fiber 7.11%, crude protein 4.83%. Seventeen kinds of amino acids are found in pulp and seed. The content of amino acids in pul

  • 【分类号】Q944;Q946
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】309

