

The Rhetoric World of Yuqiuyu’s Essay

【作者】 陈安娜

【导师】 朱玲;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分别从话语建构、文本建构这两个层面来探究余秋雨散文中的修辞世界。在话语层面,余秋雨散文的话语特色主要体现在两个方面,一是平易化语言的运用,二是诗性话语的建构,这两套话语共同丰富了余秋雨散文的语言世界。在文本建构层面,余秋雨的“寻找历史——讲述历史——升华历史”的叙事模式和正反对照的叙事模式的使用,以及他在《文化苦旅》、《山居笔记》和《霜冷长河》中所体现出来的前后叙述风格的变化,使他的散文在文本建构层面具有了更丰富的文化信息。本文力求通过这两个层面的探讨实现对余秋雨散文中的修辞现象的更为深入的研究。

【Abstract】 This paper studies the rhetoric character of Yuqiuyu’s essay from points of discourse construction and text construction .On the dimension of discourse construction, the language character of Yuqiuyu’s essay mainly included two sides: the first is about the construction of popularization language, the second is about the construction of poetic language. The popularization language and the poetic language have enriched the essay’s language together. On the dimension of text construction, Yuqiuyu had adopted two kinds of narrativemodels. The one is "looking for history--talking abouthistory--subliming historic significance of landscape", theother is the narrative model of comparison by things’ positive effect and negative effect. Moreover, on the dimension of text construction ,we also discuss the change of narrative style in Yuqiuyu ’s prosaic world , which enriched the dimension of text construction more cultural information. Through the research above ,this paper is willing to achieve to study further in the rhetoric world of Yuqiuyu’s essay.

【关键词】 散文修辞话语建构文本建构
【Key words】 essayrhetoricdiscourse constructiontext construction.
  • 【分类号】I207.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1097

