

Effects of Lanthanum on the Growth and Reproduce of Tenebrio Molitor L.

【作者】 赵万勇

【导师】 杨兆芬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 动物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor L.)是一种具有高营养价值、多种保健功能的资源昆虫。稀土元素(rare earths,简称REs)由于其特殊的电子结构,在合适的浓度范围内可促进生物生长、提高繁殖率、提高生物产物的品质、增强生物抗逆性和免疫力。近年来已广泛应用到农业、畜牧业和医学等领域。 本研究在每千克麦麸饲料中添加10~300mg等10个浓度的稀土氧化镧,用此饲料来饲喂黄粉虫幼虫和成虫,研究稀土对幼虫的生长、成虫的繁殖力、不同虫态酯酶同工酶的变化、幼虫体内氧化镧的残留量以及对实验动物昆明种小白鼠的作用。 实验结果发现,在每1kg麦麸中添加40mg的稀土氧化镧使黄粉虫的生理生化指标与对照组相比发生显著差异,是最佳处理浓度。可使幼虫体重增加达对照的1.43倍,产卵高峰期成虫日平均产卵量是对照的1.59倍,各虫态酯酶同工酶酶带数也有增多。以此剂量的稀土饲喂的虫体不会造成小白鼠各项生理指标与对照组和实验对照组的差异。离子发射光谱法测定揭示,此灌喂的黄粉虫幼虫体内仅有3%的镧在虫体内,在小鼠主要组织器官内稀土的富集量极少。

【Abstract】 Tenebrio molitor L. is a kind of resource insects, which has high nourishing value and various healthy care functions. The rare earth elements (REs) have special electronic constructions, treated with suitable dosages, the REs may have fine biologic effects in promoting the growth, enhancing the rate of propagation, heightening the quality of outcome, elevating the resistance to stress and immunity on some animals and plants. Hence, the REs have been extensively applied in the agriculture, livestock and medical science etc.Ten treatments of lanthanum oxide with the densities from 10 mg to 300 mg ,each mixed with 1 kg of wheat bran were set to feed the larvae and adults of Tenebrio molitor. The model was set up by studying the lanthanum to larval growth, the reproductive capacity, the change of esterase isoenzyme in different developing stages of T. molitor, the remaining of the La in the larvae, and the larval toxicology to the mouse.The results of the experiments showed that, among the 10 densities, compared with the control group the beetles treated with 40 mg La/ kg bran had the best result in physiology and bio-chemistry . This treatment made the larvae put 43% more weight, the amount of daily oviposition of females increased 59%. Kunming mice those fed on the treated larvae were not significantly different from control mice in the weights of body and organs. 3% La was detected accumulated by the larvae, and few in the organs of mouse.

  • 【分类号】S899
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】187

