

The Research on M,D,J,the Leading Nucleus of Three Generations’ Thoughts about Science and Technology and the Significance

【作者】 林俊雄

【导师】 杨新华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本学位论文以党的三代领导核心的科技思想为题。 中国共产党80多年的奋斗历程,就是带领中国人民追求与实现国家民族独立富强的历史。在这一艰辛历程中,我们党的三代领导集体核心毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民都高度重视科学技术在强国富民中的重要作用,在他们的理论论述中,也形成了丰富的科学技术思想。研究他们科技思想的内容,探寻他们科技思想的发展轨迹及共同点和差异点,既是学习、继承他们思想理论的重要组成部分,又是探索新世纪我国科技事业发展战略的主要途径。 论文立足于高科技迅猛发展、知识经济浪潮呼啸而来的时代背景,呼应全面建设小康社会对迅速发展我国科技事业的迫切要求,在回顾三代领导核心科技思想内容和历史走向的基础上,通过深入比较研究,对如何促进新世纪我国科技事业的发展提出了若干建议,并强调指出:在中国这样一个经济、文化相对落后的国家,只有充分发挥社会主义的制度优势,紧紧抓住科技革命的历史机遇,坚定不移地实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,才能在二十一世纪实现中华民族的伟大复兴! 论文采用了逻辑与历史相一致、比较、宏观与微观相结合等研究方法

【Abstract】 The thesis bases on the study of scientific and technological thought of the lending nucleus of three generations of CCP .The 80 years struggling experience of Chinese communist Party is the history Which led Chinese people to purchase and realize the independence, affluence of nation. During these hardships, the leading nucleus of three generations of CCP, Mzd Dxp Jzm attach great importance to science and technology, evolving rich thoughts about science and technology in the statement of their theories. It is not only the main component of studying and inheriting of their ideological system but also the key way of exploring the law of the development of science and technology to study the contents and to seek the developing orbits, generalities, as well as differences of their thoughts.With the great development of science and technology and the sudden emerging of knowledge economy, through the comprehensively comparative research, in order to meet the urgent demand of building a well-off society in an-all-around way on fast developing the cause of science and technology, the thesis puts forward certain recommendations so as to promote the development of scientific and technological causes in the new century. The author think it’s necessary for China to take full advantages of socialistic system, catching the opportunities of scientific and technological revolutions, firmly implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science, education and talents so as to realize the rejuvenation of China in the 21th century.The thesis adopts several researching methods such as logic consistent with history approach, comparative approach, macroscopic combining with micro-flexibility approach and so on.

  • 【分类号】G322.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】641

