

Research on Mutual Relationship between Internet Technology and Society Culture

【作者】 任立宏

【导师】 丁堃;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在历史发展的长河中,人类经历了数次的时代变迁,可以说是新技术的发明和应用创造了人类新的生活。而网络技术的出现正在改变人们既有的传统思维模式、行为方式、价值观念和认知模式。可以说,计算机、网络技术的普及正深刻而广泛的影响着人们的生活,它已超越了纯技术的模式,成为一种文化现象。网络作为一种技术与文化有着无法分割的密切关联。技术产生文化亦或文化决定技术历来是众多学者不断争论的问题,本文以网络技术为切入点,以文化社会学、文化人类学、文化价值论、技术史、媒介理论等为理论依据,并参考前人对技术、网络技术、文化的研究方法和研究成果,力图从技术与文化关系的角度着手研究网络技术与社会文化发展的互动作用,即技术与文化之间非线性的相互作用。文章旨在阐明网络技术与社会文化的互动关系,并论述人在网络技术衍生的全新社会文化——网络文化中的生存状态。希望通过这一研究,能够使人们在由网络技术发展所推动的社会文化发展中更好的把握个体发展。

【Abstract】 During the long history development river, human bear many epoch-making changes. We can say it is the invention and application of new technology create human’s new life. While the occurrence of Internet technology is changing the original traditional thinking pattern, behavior way, value concept and cognize pattern of human being. The widespread of computer and Internet is deeply and widely influencing the people’s life. It has exceeded the pure technology pattern, and is becoming a kind of culture phenomenon. As a kind of technology, Internet has undivided close relationship with culture. It is technology creates culture or culture decides technology has long been a continuously argued issue among scholars. This thesis takes Internet technology as cut-in point, take culture sociology, culture anthropology, culture axiology, technology history and medium theory etc. as theory basis, refer to the prevenient research method and research fruit, try to study the mutual relationship between Internet technology and social culture through the relationship between the technology and culture, i.e. the mutual non-linear effect between technology and culture. This thesis focus on illuminating the mutual relationship between Internet technology and social culture, and discuss the totallynew social culture derived from Internet technology-existing state within theInternet culture. Through this research, people can better arrange the individual development in the social culture development promoted by Internet technology development.

【关键词】 文化技术网络技术网络文化
【Key words】 culturetechnologyInternet technologyInternet culture
  • 【分类号】G05
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】604

