

The Research on the Nationalization of Modern Grouped Housing in China

【作者】 陈力

【导师】 胡文荟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 当人类迈入21世纪,人居环境及其建设程度早已今非昔比。而中国当代集合住宅,作为当下建设速度最快、规模最大、范围最广的,与人们生存与生活最密不可分的居住建筑,亦在人们不懈努力下为营造更人性、更完善的人类栖居空间和场所而孜孜以求。如果从更深远更本质的意义上说,人类的现实生存乃至人的心灵状态与居住空间及其本质存在千丝万缕的内在关联。本文则立足于现今集合住宅的未来发展这一关怀核心,以现代人的精神和情感等深层人类意识与居住场所的关系为引入,着眼于居住空间的本质意义的深刻思索与探寻,尝试性提出“集合住宅本土化”这一论题和观点。试图从人与居住空间的本质关系——“空间情感性”角度出发,在客观剖析当今中国集合住宅居住空间其本质意义和传统住宅居住空间内涵与理念的基础上,依借“本土化”这一特殊手段、途径和过程,探寻现代居住空间物质条件与古代空间精神和内涵新的契合节点,思考并探索一种在现有居住空间物质形式基础上的“情感性空间”,即试图从居住空间更本质的意义上去把握当代集合住宅的空间改善与转变乃至进步,以期为中国集合住宅的发展提供另一种可能性探讨和另一种角度的新思路,也为未来的集合住宅道路找寻新的启迪和思维参考。 本文首先在阐述和透视中国当代社会、文化及建筑等诸方面的现实状态后,对现代人的精神与情感进行冷静反思,并深入思索人类生命的存在意义与居住现象本身、住宅中居住空间之间的内在联系,提出人类栖居场所的日后发展,在不断满足人类居住生活物质条件的基础下,或可从空间本质乃至人与空间的关系等深层意义上做出回应。而本文则尝试性提出“集合住宅本土化”的论题,试图从居住空间的深层意义上去把握其发展途径。之后,本文对论照本身相关概念和理论进行必要介绍和阐释以表明,本文提出的“本土化”,不过是一种手段和工具,也是达到我们所要追求的居住空间本质意义上一种可能性发展的方法和过程。进而,文章通过对集合住宅的历史与现实两个角度的详尽论述剖析,论证并指出中国集合住宅的发展在改革开放以来取得光辉业绩的同时,亦存在其自身深刻的矛盾,即物质条件的完善和丰富与居住空间的单一僵化、缺乏表情及缺少对居住空间本质意义的深刻探求,同时指出其深刻原因在于对居住建筑的理解倾向单纯物质技术层面而忽视居住空间最深层的含义:空间情感性,即人与空间的诸关系。在此基础上,本文进一步从今天的、终极的问题关怀出发,并以现代理性的分析方法,对中国古代居住空间进行重新解读和深入剖析,论证传统居住空间形态其客观而积极的意义在于,其间凝结的人与空间的关系、空间本体的意义内涵以及空间生成理念等隐型的空间精神,而并非在其他诸如物质形式的材料质感、符号构件抑或其单纯的审美价值。从而论证,传统居住空间之于今天集合住宅的价值,在于对居住空间本质的精确把握,对空间←→人的互动关系的注重,借以说明,这种凝结在传统住宅空间中的深刻内涵无疑可成为现代集合住宅的发展提供在居住空间本体意义方面的有益启迪。最后,本文尝试性对以上论述加以补充,通过类型学的思考与设计方法,倡导并提出以“本土化”的手段和动态过程,对传统空间其抽象的“原型”意义,还原于集合住宅居住空间的现实形式中,寻求一种历史的空间意义与现代住宅的空间物质条件的合理契合“节点”,并就此“本土化”的方法对某些必要的把握原则进行说明,同时简要阐述其具体操作方式,以期为集合住宅的发展从空间形态角度,向人们表明另一种思维方法和思想启示。

【Abstract】 Be in the 21th century, the human condition of subsistence and habitation is changed much more than before. The modern grouped housing in China, which come to be the most important dwelling building in the country, is absolutely compact with the folk and its existence and real life. What’s more, the fastest-manufactured?the most extensively build?the greatest-scope architecture is certainly our housing complex. As now, people struggle to make it the more comfort and humanism habitation circumstance, looking for the most idealized perched space for all the people. Based on the enrooted meaning and its inbeing, the inhabitancy space and circumstance is countlessly tied with the real existence condition and spirit condition of human being. This dissertation, which based on the Chinese modern housing complex and its future development, proceeds with the relation of the modern’s spirit and sensibility and the inhabitancy space and circumstance, lays stress on the searching for the enrooted meaning and inbeing of the dwelling space, and put forward a point, that is, Nationalization of Modern Grouped Housing in China. This dissertation, tries to start with the intrinsic relation between human being and dwelling space, intituled "space sensibility" in this dissertation. Been based upon this point, article objectively analyzes the essence of dwelling space for the Chinese modern grouped housing, thoroughly and creatively rereads the internal meaning of Chinese traditional dwelling space, takes the "NATIONALIZATION" as a dynamic course, a special instrument, a road or the approach by which we can integrate the modern space and the internal meaning of traditional dwelling space. That is, the integration of modem space and spirit of traditional space, can be achieved or enlightened by this kind of "nationalization". Furthermore, it is the sensibility of dwelling space that this article means to ponder upon and search after. This whole process, which just wants to probe into the improvement and advancement of the spaces in our modern grouped housing from the point view as internal meaning of space in the inhabitancy building, merely support a possible approach or, a new thoughtfulness for the future development of Chinese modern housing complex.

  • 【分类号】TU-05
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1167

