

【作者】 郑泓海

【导师】 逯宇铎;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用市场竞争理论,理论联系实际,在搜集大量材料基础上,通过对大连中远物流有限公司目前所处的市场环境,竞争对手及自身的运营状况分析,明确公司内资源的分配,并具体的提出各项主要业务的战略目标和战略措施。 通过分析我们可以看出,大连中远物流公司的船代和货代业务已进入行业的成熟期,竞争激烈,运用三种基本竞争战略,及总成本领先战略、标歧立异战略、目标集聚战略并结合行业生命周期,作者提出如下的发展战略措施: 船舶代理业务发展战略措施:强化市场营销;导入CIS,巩固船代;实施战略联盟。 货运代理业务发展战略措施:作为核心传统业务同样需要保护和进一步发展,在市场上牢牢树立公共海运货代服务提供商的形象。大连中远物流应高度重视发展集装箱货主,与此同时,需有选择地发展散货运输以建立起基本的货量和客户基础。 而现代物流业务,作为大连中远物流未来业务发展方向,在明确公司内部资源分配前提下,考虑其作为新进入的业务领域,同公司现有组织结构,品牌定位,人力资源等方面的冲突,进而提出现代物流业务的发展战略措施: 1.以货运公司为龙头,大力开拓现代物流市场 2.利用“中远”现有品牌优势,建立有效的品牌识别 3.加快物流人才的卡开发,强化中远物流核心竞争力 4.利用区位优势,尽快开发以汽车物流为核心的物流业务 5.设立核心场站,为物流的发展搭建平台 6.建立项目负责制

【Abstract】 This thesis, which is based on a lot of gathering material, applying the competition theory of marketing as well as the method of combining theory and practice, defining the resources allocation in the interior of the company through the analysis to the marketing environment, competitor and operating status of Dalian COSCO logistics, has brought forward the strategic goals and strategic plans of the main business.By the analysis, we can come to the conclusion that the industry of shipping agency and freight forwarding has come into a mature period with the keen competition. Adopting the use of three basic competitive strategy-overall cost leading, differentiation and focusing on, we can reach the strategy plans as below.The developing strategy of shipping agency is to strengthen marketing, depend on PENAVICO’S reputation, use CIS strategy, establish the competition advantage of the company and implement strategy alliance.The developing strategy of freight forwarding is to protect and progress the freight forwarding as a core business, build up the image of the public freight forwarder in the market and pay highly attention to container freighter. Meanwhile COSCO needs to develop the business for bulk cargo under its selection so as to establish a basic volume of cargo and customers.With the consideration to the conflict of the company’s organization, brand orientation and human resource on logistics business, as the new business the company will go into, subject to defining the resource distribution in the interior of the company, enlarging the market share is the key point of developing strategy for modern logistics business: Firstly, using the traditional logistics resources, enlarging the logistics market shares, Secondly, constructing an effective brand identification standing on COSCO brand preference, Thirdly, speeding development of human resources in order to strengthen the core competence of Dalian COSCO logistics, Fourthly, developing trucks logistics business as a cord business, Fifthly, setting up the freight station center as the developing platform for the logistics, Sixthly, setting up the project leadership.

【关键词】 物流业务战略大连中远物流
【Key words】 logisticsbusinessstrategyand dalian cosco-logistics
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】625

