

【作者】 杜东明

【导师】 董大海;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在严重缺电的时代里,广大的“电力人”从来没有为卖电发愁,相反则常常进行计划用电、限制用电、节约用电的工作。这种局面的加剧,再加上电力产、输、配、供用瞬间完成的特点,似乎给人们一种印象,电力没有市场营销。事实上,电力原本就有市场营销的问题,只不过在严重缺电的年代里,在“需求远远大于供应”的形势下,人们几乎忘记了它的存在,人们更多关注的是“电力营销”的另一个层面:多建电厂及电网,迅速增加电力供应能力,满足经济发展的需要。然而,随着我国经济结构的调整和各种因素的变化,电力逐渐由卖方市场转到了买方市场,电力出现了“供大于求”。那么广大的电力人又如何应付的呢? 写作过程中,作者始终贯彻“理论与实践相结合”的原则,在查阅大量文献的同时,结合华能大连电厂的实际情况进行研究。采取定性和定量相结合的技术路线,深入企业实际获取所需情况和数据,并借助EXCEL对原始数据进行科学分析,从而为理论的提出提供科学合理的依据。 本文研究的整体思路是通过对竞价上网相关联因素进行分析,找出影响竞价上网的五大因素,通过对电网的安全约束,辽宁电力行业内的总供给,辽宁电力行业内的总需求,主要竞争对手,企业发电成本五大因素找出提高竞价上网的营销策略。 在“竞价上网”的电力体制改革的形势下,面对供大于求的电力市场所带来的激烈的竞争,对于电力市场中一个独立的电力供应商而言,不仅关系到企业的盈亏,还关系到企业的存亡。本文立足于华能大连电厂本身,针对企业现状——装机容量东北地区第二大,但利用小时只排在第五位这一问题,应用SWOT、关键因素成功法、统计等技术手段,通过实际总结及数据分析,得出了低成本策略及快速反应策略是目前不太健全的电力市场营销的有效方法。

【Abstract】 Ln the times lack of electricity,power plants were never anxious about selling it.Contrarilly,they always planned ,limitid and economized the use of electricity.With the develepment of this situation,and the feature that power produce is finished at once,people have the impression that power have no marketing.In fact,the promblem of marketing is existed originally,howere in the times of lack of power,people almost forgot it under the situation that supply was more than demanded.They paid more attention to another aspect of electric power marketing:building more power plants and power net,increaseing the ability of supply to meet the development of economy .With the regulation of our economic construction, the electric power is gradually transferred from seller’s market to buyer’s market, the power market appears that supply exceeds demand. How can we deal with the huge power of electricity?During the course of writing ,auther insists on principal which is the theory according to practice.After checking a lot of books and according to the fact of Huaneng Dalian power plant.Adopting to technical way which is charater and quantity ,and get the data .practice in the company and studying the data seriously depending on EXCEL.Therefore it provides true dependence for the theory provided. Whole ideal of the thesis is analysising correlating fact which is about power net bidding.Find the five bigger facters which deponds power net bidding.After analasing the facts which are safty refrain of power net tatal supply and tatal demand in Liaoning power market main opponts and generating cost ,find marketing ways improves power net bidding.In the condition of bid for power net, the power market appears drastic competition due to more suppliers. For self-governed provider, this kind of competition is related not only to profit and loss, but also to live or die.This paper is based onDalian Power Plant of Huaneng. It aims at corporation actuality problem, which the power factory holds the secondary in the capability, but only holds the fifth in the hours using in Dongbei area. Through using main factor to success, stat., and some technologies, it educes the conclusion that we can use the low cost and fast reflect for the sales strategy in the distempered power.

【关键词】 电力市场电网竞价上网低成本快速反应
【Key words】 power marketpower netpower net biddinglow costfast reflect
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】139

