【作者】 邢怀念;
【导师】 张小鹏;
【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工程力学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 自上个世纪70年代钢筋机械连接方式诞生到今天,出现了一系列的机械连接接头,如套筒挤压接头、锥螺纹接头、镦粗直螺纹接头和滚压直螺纹接头等等。在这些接头中滚压直螺纹接头以其优越的连接性能成为当今粗直径和高强钢筋连接的潮流。 本文主要是对直螺纹接头连接的力学行为进行了详细的理论分析、实验分析和数值模拟,目的是深入研究直螺纹接头的力学性能,为这种接头的应用和推广打下坚实的理论基础和实验依据。 在实验机上,按照JGJ107的要求,我们对不同直径Ⅲ级钢筋的直螺纹接头进行了静态和动态实验分析。静态试验主要是单向拉伸实验,这反映了接头的基本性能,通过对镦粗直螺纹接头和滚压直螺纹接头进行试验,我们得到下面的结论:直螺纹钢筋接头的抗拉强度均能达到预期的设计值,但在非弹性变形指标上,滚压直螺纹优越于镦粗直螺纹,剥肋滚压直螺纹接头优越于直接滚压直螺纹接头;动态试验包括大变形反复拉压实验和高应力反复拉压实验以及疲劳试验,对于动态试验分析,我们主要是测试了剥肋滚压直螺纹接头的性能,试验结果表明,剥肋滚压直螺纹钢筋接头的各项性能均能达到预期目的。可见剥肋滚压直螺纹接头在钢筋连接工程中具有很大的优越性;同时,我们也发现剥肋滚压直螺纹钢筋接头单向拉伸的破坏部位和疲劳的破坏部位有着明显的不同,单向拉伸的破坏部位一般位于远离螺纹套筒的钢筋母材上,而疲劳试验的破坏部位一般位于前两圈承力旋合螺纹牙处,可见钢筋端部滚丝加工形成了疲劳源。我们还在应力比为0.2的情况下,对直径为25mm钢筋接头进行了疲劳试验研究,并确定了推荐设计值。 我们还对剥肋滚压直螺纹钢筋接头进行了有限元数值模拟,目的是了解旋合螺纹在弹塑性不同的荷载下,螺纹牙之间轴向力分布、变形状态和破坏部位。 最后,按照本文对抗拉螺纹连接的理论和实验分析以及JGJ107的要求,利用螺纹的等强连接理论,基于静态荷载基础,我们对这种接头进行了设计计算,并取得了一系列的设计推荐值,为工程中的实际应用打好了铺垫。
【Abstract】 There have been a series of rebar couplers from the last century 70’s when the rebar mechanical splicing were invented. The rebar couplers include sleeve extrusion couplers cone screw thread couplers parallel thread rebar splicing with upsetting ends parallel thread rebar splicing with rolled thread ends and so on, among which the mechanical character of the parallel thread rebar splicing with rolled thread ends is better than any other’s. And the parallel thread rebar splicing with rolled thread ends are popular to big diameter rebar splicing today.A lot of work have been done in this paper on the parallel thread rebar splicing, which include theorees analysis for mechanical behavior test finite element analysis and so on. The purpose is to study the rebar couplers deeply, which would help to the rebar couplers applied to the actual projects.According to JGJ107, there have tested a series of rebar couplers for III class reinforcing bar on testing machines. Single direction tension and the repeating of tension and compression in elastic and pastic range tests have been done. The results show that the samples’ connection character for rebar couplers measuree up JGJ107, among which the connection character of parallel thread rebar splice with rolled thread ends is better than any others’.There have done lots of work on analysis the parallel thread rebar splice with rolled ends for its merits. First, we simulate the rebar couplers in finite element method. The results are accordant with test results. Second, the paper concluded some recommendatory design parameters according to above nanlysis, which help to this type rebar couplers applied to actual projects.
【Key words】 Rebar Mechanical Splicing; Parallel Thread; Sleeve; Mechanical Behavior;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 大连理工大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】TU511.3
- 【被引频次】6
- 【下载频次】524