

【作者】 李继东

【导师】 李弘;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 新经济快速发展和竞争日趋激烈的今天,企业更加注重满足顾客需求。因此,顾客满意成为了现代企业活动的基本准则。企业经营的核心是如何洞悉市场,满足顾客需求,提高顾客满意度,创造顾客忠诚度,以赢得长期的发展和竞争优势。随着德菲公司的发展,其在赢得顾客满意和获得长期顾客等方面存在着许多问题。为此,德菲公司则必须切实可行地制订和实施一系列的对策措施。 本文以仪表行业顾客满意度测评指标体系及其在仪表行业的应用方法为主要研究对象。在介绍了德菲公司背景后,经过调查研究指出了德菲仪表公司顾客满意方面存在的四个主要问题。这些问题是:忽视顾客需求和环境的变化、没有形成稳定忠诚的客户群、顾客满意度测评不科学、对测评结果利用不充分。在大量查阅文献的基础上,针对这些问题本文提出了影响德菲公司满意度的因素和模型,给出了三个层次的顾客满意度测评指标体系,以及由指标体系转化而成的顾客满意度调查问卷。经过调查和收集问卷,本文提供了一种分析德菲公司顾客满意度数据结果的方法。最后,就此提出了几点可以促进改善德菲公司顾客满意度的建议。 本文找到了德菲公司顾客认为重要和不重要的满意因素,并了解到了他们对这些因素的满意程度。提出的建议可以应用于德菲公司,对其发展和竞争力的提升都大有裨益。同时,也为解决类似问题提供了测评方法。

【Abstract】 New economy, which focuses on the satisfaction of consumer demand, develops rapidly and competition comes to be tenser nowadays. Hence, the fundamental problem in the process of enterprise development is how we can effectively carry out marketing, meet customer needs, promote customer satisfaction and loyalty in order to maintain long-term advantages in competition. With the pace of quick development, several problems of Deltaphase Instrumentation Company in dealing the satisfaction of consumer appeared. We should find a good method.The thesis aims at making an analytical research on measurement index system of customer satisfaction and the methods applied in instrumentations in China. On the basis of an investigation of the actuality of measuring customer satisfaction in Deltaphase Instrumentation Company, the author identifies four main existing problems. In order to resolve the problems, the author review many literatures to find the influence of customer satisfaction and present a measurement model and a measurement index system, including three layers, and a questionnaire transformed from the system. On the basis of the research, the author presents a method of analyzing the data obtained through customer satisfaction investigation. With the outputs of the research, the thesis proceeds to bring forward suggestions to help improving customer satisfaction and apply the measurement index system more efficiently.We found that there were several questions lying in many areas and know the customer satisfaction. The suggestions can be quickly implemented in Deltaphase Instrumentation Company, or even the entire instrumentations in China. It is very beneficial to the company’s profits and competition. It also provides theoretical basis to this kind of problem.

【关键词】 顾客满意测评指标
【Key words】 Customer SatisfactionEvaluationIndex
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】308

