

Research on Tooth Profile of Harmonic Driver Based on the Kinematic Geometry

【作者】 刘书海

【导师】 董惠敏;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在有限元法对谐波齿轮传动柔轮位移场计算分析的基础上,对载荷作用下谐波齿轮传动的运动几何关系以及齿形设计和啮合性能进行了研究。文中首先参考文献[4]建立了载荷作用下的谐波齿轮传动运动传递模型,通过讨论柔轮轮齿、刚轮轮齿及波发生器三个坐标系的几何运动关系,得出柔轮轮齿、刚轮轮齿及波发生器在啮合运动过程中的运动关系。然后推导出了负载条件下的谐波齿轮传动瞬时传动比(输出轴端的瞬时传动比和啮合端的瞬时传动比)的计算公式,这两种瞬时传动比之间可以进行传递。通过分析谐波齿轮传动中柔轮在空载和负载时的强迫位移和受负载的状况,根据适当的假设,模拟了强迫位移,研究了边界条件,建立了柔轮的板壳元有限元分析模型,进行了柔轮位移场分析计算。根据本文所建立的负载条件下谐波齿轮传动运动传递模型,对载荷作用下单齿啮合情况进行了研究。在载荷作用下单齿啮合时,柔轮轮齿和刚轮轮齿之间的运动规律取决于柔轮受载下的变形形状和啮合端与输出端的转角关系,而与柔轮和刚轮所采用的齿形没有关系。在载荷作用下,啮合端的齿对瞬时传动比出现不连续。最后,根据S齿形的形成原理,分别采用空载条件和负载条件的有限元数据设计了刚轮齿形,并且通过包络法求出了刚轮齿形的共轭柔轮齿形。利用计算机仿真技术分析了空载和负载下得到的两种共轭齿形的啮合性能,得到结论:由负载条件所得到的齿形,在空载和负载两种不同情况下的啮合性能均较好。

【Abstract】 On the basis of finite element analysis on the displacement of the flexspline in the dissertation , the geometry kinematics relation and how to design the tooth profile is studied.Firstly, the motion transmission model loaded is set up. The motion transmission relations of flexspline’s tooth, tooth of circular spline and the wave generator are derived. Meanwhile, two instantaneous transmission ratios under load conditions which are transmission ratio of output angular velocity relative to input angular velocity and transmission ratio of flexspline’s tooth angular velocity relative to tooth of circular spline are derived.And then, on the foundation of on the experiential formula and experimental result, the initial displacement and the load of flexspline are educed. Then a shell element model of flexspline is set up and an analysis on the displacement of the flexspline is done. Meanwhile, on the basis of the motion transmission model , the single tooth meshing is studied. If the shape of the distorted flexspline and the relation of flexspline’s tooth angular velocity and output angular velocity is given, the movement rule of the single tooth meshing between flexspline and circular spline can be readily derived. Finally, the tooth profile of circular spline is designed by means of the S tooth profile theory. And then the conjugate tooth profile of flexspline is studied by means of digital simulation. The software is programmed on Visual C++ platform, which can imitate the meshing of a pair of teeth.

  • 【分类号】TH132.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】299

