

【作者】 李明

【导师】 王立久; 王宝民;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 材料学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高性能混凝土是未来混凝土发展的一个方向,如何实现混凝土的高性能化以及高性能混凝土性能的研究一直是高性能混凝土研究的重点。本文采用了两种杂化水泥掺和料,一种为新兴的人工矿物掺合料——偏高岭土,另一种为聚合物乳液——丁苯胶乳,配制了出了高性能混凝土。并研究了这两种高性能混凝土各方面的性能。全文的主要研究内容和研究成果概括如下:首先,通过抗压强度比法对高岭土煅烧制备偏高岭土,使之达到最佳活性的温度进行了研究。本实验所用高岭土经750℃煅烧后所得偏高岭土可获得最佳活性。并以此作为试验所用偏高岭土的煅烧温度。然后,通过XRD和SEM两种先进的手段,研究了两种杂化水泥浆体和浆体与骨料界面的微观物相。研究显示两种杂化水泥掺合料均不同程度的细化了水泥石中的孔径,减少了孔隙率,提高了硬化浆体和界面的性能。对两种杂化水泥混凝土微观特性的研究,也是后文中杂化水泥混凝土性能研究的理论基础。随后,本文对两种杂化水泥混凝土的部分物理力学性能和耐久性能进行了试验研究。并重点研究了高性能杂化水泥混凝土工作性、强度、韧性及耐久性中的抗自收缩、抗冻性、抗渗透性能(抗氯离子扩散)等。自收缩是低水灰比高性能混凝土中比较突出的一个问题。实验显示,两种杂化水泥混凝土可不同程度的减小高性能混凝土的自收缩及收缩值。同时对抗冻性和抗渗性也有一定提高。其中丁苯胶乳杂化水泥混凝土对耐久性的提高方面更加显著。偏高岭土杂化水泥混凝土对强度的提高较大,对韧性等也有一定提高,但对混凝土的工作性有所降低,初终凝时间缩短。相应的,丁苯胶乳杂化水泥混凝土的强度则略有降低,但对工作性和韧性的提高较大。本文研究的两种杂化水泥混凝土在性能上各有千秋,可在不同的要求下使用,具有广泛的应用前景。

【Abstract】 High Performance Concrete is the main development direction of concrete. It is very important to define the conception of “high performance” and to study how to enhance the properties of high performance concrete for us. Two kinds of new hybrid addition materials are introduced here, one is metakaolin,a newly artificial pozzolanic mineral, and, the other is styrene-butadiene latex, a kind of polymer material. Both of the two kinds of hybrid cement concrete realized the conception of “high performance”. The main research contents and the result of the study in this article are generalized as the following:First, calcining temperature is studied by the method of comparing the compressive strength of hybrid cement mortar and the comparative sample. The calcining temperature producing the active state is in 750℃ as the result of the test. And the metakaolin used in all test was calcined in 750℃.And then,by means of two advanced test methods, XRD and SEM, microstructure of the hybrid cement paste and the aggregate-paste interfacial zone are researched. Test shows that the microstructure of the hybrid cement paste and the aggregate-paste interfacial zone are improved in different extent. The result of this part is also a foundation of the following researches.Later on, part of the properties of hybrid cement concrete are researched. It shows that metakaolin hybrid cement concrete can improve durability, increase mechanical strength, especially compressive strength. While compressive strength is reduced in styrene-butadiene latex hybrid cement concrete,but the durability,toughness and workability are greatly improved then.Each of the two kinds of hybrid cement concrete has its superiority, and each of them can be used to fulfill the different requirements, and them will have the extensive engineering application perspective.

  • 【分类号】TU528
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】271

