

【作者】 张志

【导师】 霍恒昌;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国外模具行业广泛采用CAD/CAM技术,并通过数控机床进行加工,大大的缩短了产品开发周期和制造周期,提高了模具的技术含量,降低了成本。相比之下,我国模具行业还有很大差距,特别是在汽车零部件生产制造方面还不具备为国产汽车(尤其是轿车)全面配套供货的能力,参与国际竞争的能力很弱。针对目前国内汽车零部件行业情况,我们必须根据国际汽车零部件工业的发展,综合分析国外经验,结合我国实际情况,采取有利措施,提高我国汽车零部件工业的竞争力。 本课题通过对离合器壳设计过程的分析,以UG、AutoCAD软件为基础,进行了离合器壳模具的开发,同时仿真了离合器壳模具的数控加工,实现了从实物到生产的一体化,利用参数化实体造型的方法,突破了AutoCAD三维实体造型功能不足的局限,为汽车零部件更加高速、快捷的造型、生产提供了一种切实可行的办法。

【Abstract】 Now foreign mould industry has greatly shortened the mould of making period, heightened the mould of technical content and reduced the cost by making use of CAD/CAM technical and numerical control tool. To the contrary, mould industry in our country has lagged behind, especially in the automobile part industry. Which doesn’t has the ability to support complete parts for automobiles made in china. China’s ability to compete with international automobile industry is weak. Considering the actual complexion in our country and the development of international automobile part industry, we must make powerful measures to improve abilities to tap product and to compete with international automobile part industry.Base on commercial software-UG and CAD, we open up the mould of clutch’s hull, simulate the numerical control and also realize the process from practicality to production. The method which is created by parameters breaks through the limits in the three-dimension shaping of AutoCAD, so that a feasible method is supported.

  • 【分类号】U463
  • 【下载频次】1110

