

【作者】 宣晓东

【导师】 王国红;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机越来越广泛的应用,计算机软件的功能更加强大,软件开发的复杂度与难度飞速提高,软件开发团队也变得越来越庞大,大型项目团队达到数百甚至数千人。软件业是以项目为导向的行业,在影响软件项目的成功和失败的所有可变因素中,项目团队本身是最容易被忽视,同时也是最需要关注的因素。项目团队之所以重要,是因为软件企业是知识型企业,人力资本也就是项目团队成员是企业最重要的资本;而它之所以容易被忽视是因为团队的价值难以用显性的指标进行度量,它属于“软价值”。虽然关于项目管理、研发管理我们有一系列的体系和理论,但在软件项目的实际开发当中仍然出现了许多难以解决的团队问题,并由此而导致了大量软件项目的延迟甚至失败。因此,对软件项目中的团队管理典型问题进行研究并探寻相应的解决策略是十分必要的。 本文从实际企业的软件开发的角度出发,详细论述了现代项目管理理论、软件企业特点及软件项目管理的特点,并讨论了在软件开发项目中遇到的团队问题。在此基础上,总结了大量软件开发中的项目团队管理的实践经验,通过对软件企业现存的项目团队管理问题进行剖析,找出了问题的主要症结之所在,以科学的“系统理论”管理思想为指导,运用现代项目管理理论、人力资源管理理论、借鉴国内外企业在项目管理和软件开发管理方面的成功经验,结合企业现状,运用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,通过对企业进行实地调查,针对软件企业中出现的团队管理典型问题提出了一系列的解决措施。 同时通过个案分析,找出国内软件公司在项目团队管理上存在的共性问题,旨在对其它企业特别是同类企业的软件项目开发团队管理提供一些可供参考和借鉴策略和措施。

【Abstract】 With the wider and wider application of computer, the function of computer software become more and more powerful, the complexity and difficulty of software development improve rapidly, and the groups of software development become larger and larger. The large program group comes up to hundreds or even thousands people. The software industry is oriented by program, and among the variable factors that influence the success and failure of software program, the factor program itself is easiest to be ignored, and at the same time, it is also a factor that most deserve attention. The reason why program group is important is because software industry is knowledge-intensive industry, personnel resources, i.e. the member of program group, which belongs to soft value, is also the most important capital in industry. It is easy to be ignored, because the value of group is difficult to be calculated by dominant index. Although we have had a series of systems and theories of program management and development management, there are still a lot of touchy group problems in the practical development of software program, which leads to the postponement and even failure of many software programs. Therefore, it is necessary to study and seek for the relevant resolving statistics of typical group management problems in software programs.In view of software development of practical enterprise, on the basis of specific exposition of the theory of modern program management, the character of software enterprise and software program management, and the discussion of group problems met in software development program, this paper sums up a lot of practical experience of program management in software development, analyzes the present problems of program group management in software industry, and finally find out where the trouble lies. Directed by the scientific "system theory" management thoughts, through a fact-finding survey, this paper applies the management theory of modern program and the theory of manpower management, draws on the successful experience of program management software development from both domestic and abroad, utilize the qualitative and quantitative research method according to the present situation, and finally put forward a series of settlement in accordance with typical group management problems in software industry.At the same time, this paper finds out the common problems of group program management in domestic software industry through case analysis, in odder to provide some reference and a lesson for other enterprises especially the group management of software program development in the industry of the same kind.

【关键词】 项目项目管理软件团队团队建设
【Key words】 ProjectProject ManagemnetSoftwareTeamTeam Developmnet
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】596

