

【作者】 李先毅

【导师】 李英壮;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 网络技术的高速发展使得对网络应用服务的需求也飞速提升,对所提供的服务数量和质量都提出了更高的要求,因此服务器性能更多的成为网络服务的关键。大连理工大学校园网经过一段时间的快速稳定发展后,同样面临这个问题。该问题主要就是由于大量的需求造成大规模的负载,使用单台昂贵的超级计算器可以解决此问题,但用超级计算机提供一般性的网络服务如Web服务、Mail服务等是不切合实际的。因此采用集群方案来解决,这也是目前解决此问题的普遍做法。 在Linux下的最常用的负载均衡集群就是LVS集群,该集群存在的一个缺欠就是缺乏完善的管理系统,易维护性不高,维护工作量较大,影响了集群的规模、集群的可用性和可靠性。LVS集群管理系统提出了比较完善的集群管理思想,包括集群运行状态的监控、集群节点的快速安装与恢复、集群的动态调度、统一的管理界面四部分,并对未来集群功能的升级扩展做出准备。从而提高LVS集群的可用性,简化维护工作,便于集群规模的扩展。 整个系统借鉴了其他成熟集群管理系统的设计思想,采用模块化设计,在现有的各种开源(Open Source)项目及自由软件的基础上开发。管理系统的各功能模块已经基本实现,并在大连理工大学VOD视频点播系统的realserver的LVS集群中试运行,LVS集群的可用性和可维护性都有了一定提高。目前的管理系统还存在一定问题,需要继续完善,这将进一步提高LVS集群的性能。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of network technology makes the requirement for network services increase more quickly, so the performance of servers has become the pivotal part of network. During building the campus network of Dalian University of Technology, the same thing happened. Now the cluster technic is mostly used to solve this problem.LVS, the load balance cluster system based on Linux that is most common used, lacks the overall management system, and it influence the stability of cluster, and limits the number of nodes in cluster. It takes administrators much energy to keep the cluster running in order. Designing a management system for LVS, it includes the following parts: monitor and control nodes in the cluster, fast install and resume the nodes, dynamic configure cluster, and graphic interface of the management system. Prepare for expanding the management when LVS has upgraded.The ripe business system is referenced to design this. Implementation of the system is based on reworking of some Open Source projects and free software. The management system has already been used in the realserver LVS cluster system of Dalian University of Technology Video On Demand System. The cluster system is more stable and the operation to node is more facile. The current system is not very perfect, so it needs to be upgraded hi the future to improve the performance of LVS cluster.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】277

