

【作者】 张迪

【导师】 王时原;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国城市住宅建设进入了一个新的阶段。住宅由“温饱型”转向“小康型”,由“数量型”转向“质量型”,由“分配型”转化成“商品型”。人们已不再满足于单调、呆板、粗糙、生硬的“居室型”住宅。市场呼唤着更多样化,更人性化的户型。目前我国城市居民对分配或购买到的新房,几乎都不同程度的进行了再改造、再安装、再装修,造成了很大的浪费,这表明了住宅户型设计还有很大的需要调整改善的空间。如何通过对于住宅户型模式的探索和研究,使新时期的住宅真正为“人”服务,新世纪中国的建筑师们必须了解中国住宅的商品市场。 户型设计涉及到很多领域,包括:经济学,社会学,心理学,人体工程学,当然还有建筑学等各个方面,因此研究居民对住宅户型的需要可以从很多方面着手。例如,从家庭收入,按揭贷款可操作性方面入手;可以从家庭人口,家庭构成等方面入手;可以从用户对住住宅内阳光照射的心理需求入手;还可以从厨房卫生间的使用方便性入手;以上这些又都可以纳入到广义的建筑学范畴。如何提高住宅户型对人的适应性和包容度,给住户创造一种适于居住的物质环境与精神氛围是住宅设计的理想,如何了解住户在这些许许多多方面的需要,有赖于切身实地的调查研究。 居住生活实态是指居民在住宅室内空间环境中生活行为方式的实际反映。通过实态调查结果,可以综合分析住宅室内空间环境与人在住宅内的生活方式,以及它们之间相应的关系。可采用的方法包括问卷调查,访问,实测平面图等。实态调查可以使用户需要与建筑设计之间的矛盾明朗化,从而启发新的建筑设计。 我国地域辽阔,各地区的气候、环境、经济水平、生活习惯、历史文化传统有很大不同。本文研究、分析了国内外有关理论文献资料以及一些实际调查研究的结果,以大连市近期内的商品住宅户型平面为研究对象,试图寻找现阶段的商品住宅单元户型内部空间设计中普遍存在的问题,并提出合理的、可行的建议。以使户型设计适应人们生活的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 Since the Reform, China’s urban housing construction has stepped into a new era. Housing has evolved from a basic consumption to an enjoyable product, from a quantity consumption to a quality product, from a distributed consumption to a marketable product. People will no longer be satisfied by the "dumb", "coarse" and "unfriendly" shelters. The market is calling for more diverse and more user-friendly housing. So far, most of the housing, distributed or purchased, are being remodeled, reequipted and repaired, which incurs immense waste. There is still a big room for improvement on housing design. To better understand and better serve the needs of residents, China’s architect ought to have more insights of the marketHousing design involves many fields such as economics, sociology, psychology, ergonomics and architecture of course. Different approaches can be used to understand needs of residents. For example, from factor of income level and availability of loaning; from the family structure; from the psychological need for the sunshine in the room; from the convenience of kitchen and restroom. To combine good physical form and comfortable atmosphere into a housing design is ideal, and this relies on down-to-earth data collection and study.Living status means the reflection of residents’ behavior in their residence space. Through data collection andstudy, analysis can be made in regard to the relationship between a residence’s physical space and its users’ behavior. Methods include survey and interview. Living status study can identify the conflict between users’ needs and housing layouts and thus can shed a light on design renovation.Places in China differ greatly from each..other in climate, environment, economy, custom and tradition. ?./ Borrowing some of the relevant theories, documents available domestically and abroad, the paper is based on the living status study on Dalian area’s high rise housing sector and trying to identify the general shortcomings of the interior space of many residence layouts and is concluded by some design proposals and suggestions.

  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】302

