

【作者】 周森

【导师】 李志军;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 半圆型防波堤作为一种受力合理、波浪作用力小、适用性广、经济的新型海岸工程结构物,被交通部列为重点推广技术。研究不同速度下的海冰对半圆型防波堤的作用力是为了对我国北方结冰海区建造半圆型防波堤提供海冰荷载设计依据。本文作为国家自然科学基金课题“半圆型防波堤前海冰的破碎堆积过程(50179003)”的部分内容,对冰排与半圆型防波堤的作用方式和不同冰速时半圆堤的冰力测量进行了试验与研究,分析了速度与角度对冰力的效应。 试验系统与试验技术是试验的基础,其可靠性是试验成败的关键,结合本课题的特点,作者首先对相关试验系统与技术进行了介绍,并对相关技术参数进行了测定。以Croasdale理论为基础,利用斜面构件对试验系统和试验技术进行了检验,结果表明试验系统和试验技术可靠,进一步检验表明,系统与技术对半圆型防波堤适用。 通过81次的试验,在6种切线角(30°,35°,45°,60°,70°,80°)、5种速度(5cm/s,15cm/s,26cm/s,37cm/s,48cm/s)、3种冰厚(8mm,10mm,16mm)情况下进行了研究。构造了半圆型防波堤物物理模型的冰力函数,即水平力公式:垂直力公式:并对公式中各系数进行了试验确定。 最后,作者利用本试验公式的结果与天津大学的试验结果进行了比较,并对结果之间的差异进行了分析,结果表明本公式具有普适性。

【Abstract】 The semi-circular breakwater is a reasonable forcing, widely applicable and economical late-model structure of coastal engineering and which is selected to be an especially popularized technology by National Ministry of Communications. The purpose in researching ice force on the semi-circular breakwater at different ice velocities is to provide evidences for sea ice load design when building semi-circular breakwater in the ice-infested Bohai Sea. As a part of project of National Natural Science Foundation of China - sea ice break and pile-up processes in front of semi-circular breakwater (50179003), this paper performs tests on ice-semi-circular breakwater interaction and ice force on the semi-circular breakwater at different ice velocities, and analyzes the effect of velocity and angle on ice forces.Test system and technology are the base of tests, whose reliability are the key of success. Combing with the character of this project, the author firstly introduces relative experiment system and technology, and measures relative technical parameters. Secondly based on theory of Croasdale, tests the test system and technology by use of inclined slope walls, and reliability are shown by results, and then the farther test indicates that the system and technology are suitable for semi-circular breakwater.Thirdly 81 group model tests of semi-circular structure with 6 tangent angles (30, 35, 45, 60, 70, 80), 5 velocities (5cm/s, 15cm/s, 26cm/s, 37cm/s, 48cm/s) and 3 model ice thicknesses (8mm, 10mm, 16mm) are done, then empirical formula of ice forces on physical model of semi-circular structure is educed as follows: the horizontal ice force isFhi= Fhf+ Fhc+Fhp= aIlD fE-0.25h1.25+ bI2D ch + cpiDhr(1- cos a) the vertical ice force isand the parameters of this formula are confirmed synchronously.Finally the author compares the result of this formula with test result of Tianjing University, and analyzes the difference between them; all the conclusions indicate wide applicability and reliability of this formula.

  • 【分类号】U656.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】68

