

【作者】 于进

【导师】 王卫;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国的霸权主义历经近200年的发展,走过的是一条由地区霸权向全球称霸的发展道路。80年代末90年代初,冷战结束,两极格局终结。国际形势的巨大变化促使美国的对外政策及其理论发生了相应变化,美国的新霸权主义逐渐形成。霸权稳定论、民主和平论和新帝国主义论是其基本理论骨架。美国新霸权主义兼用硬权力和软权力,硬权力限制自由、控制身体;软权力影响思想、征服人心。软权力的作用日益突出,它力图通过主导国际机制、利用文化上的影响力和意识形态的输出,来达到间接控制他国,行使霸权的目的。本文试图从美国霸权的发展、变化、理论特征等方面对其进行分析阐述,并就其影响和如何防范进行探讨。

【Abstract】 The hegemonism of U.S.A. goes through the development of nearly 200 years, develops a way dominating to the whole world from regional hegemony. As the cold war ended at the beginning of the 1990’s and at the end of the 1980’s, the bipolar structure was finished. Under the condition of the enormous changes of the international situation, the corresponding change has taken place in the diplomatic policy and theory of U. S. A. , The new hegemonism of U.S.A. comes into being gradually. The hegemonic stability theory, the democracy peaceful theory and new imperialism theory are its basic theory skeleton. The new hegemonism of U.S.A. uses both command power and soft power, and command power limits freedom, controls the body; while soft power influences the thought, conquers the heart. The function of soft power stresses day by day, in order to control other countries and exercise hegemony indirectly, it leads international mechanism through the outputs of ideology and culture influence. This paper attempts to analyze the new hegemonism on its development, changes and theory characteristics,also talks about its influences and find the way by which how to take precautions against it.

【关键词】 新霸权主义软权力机制民主和平
【Key words】 new hegemonismSoft Powermechanismdemocracypeace
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】380

