

【作者】 姚云云

【导师】 刘宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中华民族具有重视道德教化的优良传统,留下了丰富的德育思想遗产。本文主要论述这笔遗产中最重要的部分,先秦儒家德育思想。论文介绍了儒家思想、先秦儒家德育思想形成、发展的社会历史背景及研究先秦儒家德育思想的重要意义,并对先秦儒家德育思想进行了全面梳理,概括出先秦儒家德育思想的人性论基础、德育价值、德育目标、德育内容以及德育方法。在此基础上对先秦儒家德育思想的历史作用及局限性进行了客观评价,进一步阐述了先秦儒家德育思想的现代意义和价值,从德育主体、德育客体、德育环境三个方面深入探讨先秦儒家德育思想的精华因子对学校德育的现代意义。

【Abstract】 The Chinese nation has good traditions with paying attention to moral education .It remains more moral education assets. This article mainly discusses the moral education thoughts of Confucian in the Pre-Qin times .In this thesis, the writer not only principally introduces Confucian moral education thoughts, the social and historical background and its studying significance but also comprehensively combs Confucian moral education thoughts in the Pre-Qin times and summarizes the human nature of moral education, the value, the contents, the targets, and the methods. And at the base of these, the writer appraises its history function and limitation, further discusses the modern significance and value of moral education thoughts from moral education subject object and environment, and deeply probes the essence element of moral education thoughts into school moral education.

  • 【分类号】B222
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】980

