

【作者】 赵岩

【导师】 贾振元;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 超磁致伸缩材料是一种在室温和低磁场条件下,就能产生很大磁致伸缩应变的新型功能材料,具有输出力大、能量密度高、机电耦合系数大、响应速度快、输出应变大等优点,因此用超磁致伸材料制成的超磁致伸缩微位移执行器具有结构简单、体积小的优点,在振动控制、微定位控制、微进给控制等领域有着广阔的应用前景。 本文在查阅大量中、外文文献的基础上,根据磁场标量磁位方法,建立超磁致伸缩材料内部空间磁场方程,进一步完善了超磁致伸缩材料的磁感应强度驱动模型。同时,应用数学仿真工具对磁场分布特性加以分析,并应用电磁场有限元分析软件对理论模型进行验证。 在此基础上,根据线圈磁场均匀化理论方法,确立通过外磁场激励多组软铁对实现空间磁场的均匀化思路,并应用数学工具加以优化,求得了具有一定均匀度的空间磁场的结构参数,并根据求得的参数,应用磁路分析法重新设计了执行器的内部磁路结构,得到执行器内部各磁路结构参数,最终应用电磁场有限元分析软件对执行器内部空间磁场进行了仿真,仿真结果表明执行器中超磁致伸缩材料内部空间磁场具有较高的均匀度。 另外,本文在分析执行器输出精度要求的基础上,对超磁致伸缩微位移执行器内部线圈的驱动程控恒流源的精度进行了分析,设计和改进了电路结构,优化了电路参数,解决了原有恒流源未能满足执行器驱动精度要求的问题。 本文的研究,建立了超磁致伸缩材料内部空间磁场模型,同时也为同类执行器提供了磁场分析方法,并在一定的程度上解决了超磁致伸缩材料内部空间磁场的均匀化问题,为今后进一步提高均匀度、完善执行器设计及实现超磁致伸缩微位移执行器的精确控制奠定了理论基础。

【Abstract】 Giant Magnetostrictive Material, GMM in abbreviatory, is one kind of new function materialsand can give giant magnetostriction strains with temperature indoor and low magnetic field. Ithas good features such as giant strains, high force, high energy density, highmechanical-magnetic coupling coefficient, microsecond response and so on. So, GiantMagnetostrictive Actuators equipped with GMM are now being employed in a variety ofapplications such as vibration control, micro-feeding-on control, micro-displacemetntpositioning control with relative simply structures and small body.This paper was mainly concerned with the design and establishment of model of spacemagnetic field of GMM in the Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator (GMA), and solution ofmagnetic field uniformity degree of GMM in the GMA.The establishment of model of GMM is processed as follow: firstly, established the model ofspace magnetic field in the GMM using the theory of scalar magnetic potential; secondly,emulated the magnetic field of GMM and validate the model by ANSYS magnetic analysissoftware; lastly analyzed the magnetic field distribution characteristic of GMM.The solution of magnetic field equality degree of GMM in the GMA is described as follow:firstly, applied a few pair of soft iron to offer the magnet field for the GMM according totheory of winding uniformization; secondly, optimized the parameter by MATLABmathematics emulation software; thirdly, designed the magnetic circuit framework byparameter; lastly, emulate magnetic field uniformity degree of GMM in the new GMA, andvalidate the model by ANSYS magnetic analysis software. From the emulation solution, theGMM magnetic field has perfectly uniformed in the new GMA.In addition, the paper introduce the method to improve the precision of programme controlconstant current source(CCS). the circuit framework is designed and optimization ofparameter is described.This paper established a magnetic field model of GMM in GMA, provided a method toimprove the strong magnetic field uniformity degree, and improve the precision of constantcurrent source. It will highly benefit for the design of GMA and control precision of GMA.

  • 【分类号】TB381
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】412

