

【作者】 刘培富

【导师】 戴大双;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 水是一切生命和人类发展不可缺少、不可替代的宝贵资源,是社会可持续发展的重要因素。由于城市化、工业化的发展,人们对水的需求量越来越大,对水的污染越来越严重,造成世界上许多国家出现了水危机,制约了社会的进步,而污水再生和中水回用是解决水危机的有效途径之一。 本文从分析我国水资源状况入手,提出污水资源化是解决水危机切实可行的途径,进而对中水分质回用、中水回用工艺进行了分析与评价,然后选择壹品星海住宅小区中水回用为实例,对传统中水处理工艺与新技术进行了全面的技术经济分析,指出新技术无论在工程投资、运行成本、占地、自动化程度、运行时对环境的影响等方面都占有优势,特别是膜生物反应器随着膜技术的不断发展,制膜成本不断降低,必将在中水回用方面展示其旺盛的生命力。由此可得出膜生物反应器是一项技术适用、经济合理,适宜一定规模的中水处理工艺,具有市场竞争力的实用新技术。 本文应用了经济评价和综合评价方法对构造的中水回用方案进行了技术经济分析,找出了适合壹品星海住宅小区中水回用的合理工艺,并可将这一结论推广到具有相当规模的住宅小区。本文最后对我国中水回用提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Water is precious resource that is essential to all living creatures including human being and nothing else can take the place of it to play such an important role in the nature. It is also one of the most important factors for the continuous progress of the society. With the development of the cities and industry, the demand of water is growing more and more and as a result the problem of water pollution has become more and more serious, causing water crisis in many countries in the world and restricting the developing of the society. The regeneration and reuse of the wastewater are efficient means to solve the problem.At beginning, this article talks about the status of water resource in our country and points out that reusing wastewater is a king of practical method to solve water crisis. After analyzing and evaluating the techniques of internal water reusing, the author took the Yi Pin Xinghai residential district as an example to have an overall comparison on techno-economic analysis between traditional treatment and new technology and concluded that the new technique has many advantages in the projection investment, operation cost, space occupation, automatic degree and the influence to environment when operating, especially with the development of the membrane technique, the cost is decreased. All this will show its vitality in internal water reuse. Therefore the membrane bioreactors are technically applicable, economically rational and are suitable for internal water treatment. It is a practical new technique with competitive ability in the market.This article did some economic evaluation and synthetical estimation to the tech-economics analysis of the internal water technique. The author found a reasonable technique for Yi Pin Xinghai residential district and could apply this conclusion to other residential districts of the similar scale. At last it proposed some suggestions to internal water reuse in our country.

  • 【分类号】F294
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1082

