

【作者】 韩义超

【导师】 许士国;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水文学与水资源, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 几十年来,国内水利建设取得了巨大的成就,长期以来只重视社会效益与国民经济效益,忽视水利企事业单位及工程运行管理部门的财务效益,使水利基础产业的发展不能形成良性循环,社会发展失衡,水价偏低,造成了水资源的浪费。大伙房水库输水工程是辽宁省在建的大型水利工程,投资巨大,社会效益明显。其水价确定的合理性直接关系到该工程效益的发挥和辽宁省水利事业能否进入良性循环轨道的问题,故本文拟从工程的成本核算及用户承受能力两方面入手,分析本工程的水价,使确定的水价既能满足工程投资的回收及工程的正常运行,也能被用户所接受,即符合市场的供求规律。 本文系统地分析了辽宁中部地区水资源存在的问题,并预测了调入区对水资源的需求,在解决现有水资源问题的基础上,提出了辽宁中部六城市的缺水量——既大伙房水库输水工程的工程规模。据此,研究大伙房水库输水工程的水价,一方面,为克服我国现行水价存在的价格偏低、资源浪费的严重问题,本工程水价的确定认真的分析了工程建设成本及运行费用,提出了满足工程正常运行和一定收益条件下的水价——供方水价;另一方面,根据现有的统计数据,分析了六城市工业与城市生活两方面对水价的承受能力,提出了从受水方角度出发的水价——承受水价;在分析确定合理水价应具备的原则基础上,对从两种角度出发的水价进行综合分析,采用AHP方法,建层次分析模型,分析确定层次分析模型中各因素的评价体系指标,及指标间的相互关系,采用层次分析(AHP)方法对基于开发商的供方水价和从用水户出发的承受水价进行耦合,该水价是在能够促进可持续发展、实现资源合理配置的原则上确定的合理可行的水价,该水价既照顾了供方的利益,也照顾了用水方的利益。 本文在理论方面探索了对供方水价和受水方承受水价这一矛盾水价的分析,并将两者采用AHP方法加以综合分析,提出即在理论上可行,又在实际中能被双方都接受的水价,因此,本文具有一定的理论和实用价值。

【Abstract】 During the last decades, Hydraulic engineering constructions have received great achievements in our country, however, too many attention had been paid to the social benefit and national economic benefits, the financial benefit of hydraulic enterprises and the departments controlling project operation had been overlooked. These problems result in the unsound cycle of development in hydraulic basis industry, the imbalance in social development, and a low water price which conduced to the waste of water resources. Dahuofang diversion project is a great hydraulic project still under building in our province which needs great cost; the reasonable water price will greatly conduce the sound development of the hydraulic projects in our province. Therefore, this paper analyzes the water price of the project by considering both the cost accounting and consumers bearing capability to the price, which can not only satisfy the demand of returns on investment and the good operation of the project, but also be accepted by the users-that is to say, the water price confirms to the law of supply and demand of marketplace.Analyzing systematically the problems on water resources in central Liaoning province, predicting the demand for water in water wastage areas, bases on resolving the current water resources problems, the paper proposed the water shortage volumes in the six cities in central Liaoning province-which decide the project scale of Dahuofang diversion project. Then, an analysis on the water price of the project is done, the following two points are considered in the analysis, on the one hand, the current water price is in a low level, which had resulted in a serious waste of water resources. So after analyzing the cost of the project construction and operation, the paper proposed the concept "supply water price" which can ensure the natural operation of the project and will bring some benefits, on the other hand, based on current statistical data, analyzing the bearing capability to water price of industrial users and citizens, in this paper the concept "acceptable water price", which based on analyzing the principle that must be considered in fixing reasonable water price, is proposed, and a AHP model is built after analyzing systemically the two water prices. The paper analyzes and confirms the evaluation index system for the model and the relationship between the indexes. By using AHP method, supply water price considering the project developer and acceptable water price are coupled. The water price considering the benefit both the developer and customer is a reasonable and feasible water price, which can facilitate sustainable development and reasonable resources distribution.Studying the contradiction between supply water price and acceptable water price in theory and analyzing systemically them by using AHP method, the paper proposes a reasonable water price for the Dahuofang diversion project, which is feasible in theory and can acceptable by both the developer and customer, therefore, the paper is of significant value both in theory and in practice for fixing water price.

  • 【分类号】F426.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】249

