

【作者】 刘家庆

【导师】 王敬;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 B公司是澳大利亚最大的钢铁企业H集团下属的B多国公司在中国投资的外商独资企业。以生产和销售压型钢板为主业,其母公司B多国公司是目前世界上最大的压型钢板供应商;处于行业的国际领导者地位。由于中国钢结构行业发展的特殊性,其在中国的经营模式和发展战略,与其它国家存在着巨大的差异。在中国,钢结构行业还处于初步发展阶段,其潜在的市场将非常巨大。因此,B公司如何把握在中国的发展方向,对于B公司和H集团都是至关重要的。在新的经济形势下,B公司面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。 本文运用战略管理的理论和方法,对B公司的内、外部环境方面进行分析和研究。对企业外部进行考察发现B公司面临的主要机遇是:中国政治稳定,经济快速增长;钢结构行业迅猛发展,市场容量大;国家政策支持。主要威胁是:行业竞争以一体化竞争为主;B公司目前产品的技术和资金壁垒低,市场竞争激烈;目前国内钢结构行业发展尚不成熟,市场竞争方式不规范。通过对B公司内部环境分析,得出B公司的主要优势是:拥有国际大公司支持,有资金和技术优势;母公司在钢结构行业中经营超过百年历史,拥有国际知名品牌;原材料获取优势;以“诚信、合作”为核心的良好企业文化;科学的管理模式。B公司的主要劣势:缺乏钢结构设计、施工资质和能力,在市场竞争中通常处于被动局面;产品一体化能力不足,与市场的需求有差距。 在对B公司进行SWOT分析后得出B公司应增加钢结构设计和施工能力,由单一的原材料供应商彻底转变为钢结构工程总包商。并制定了战略保障措施,帮助企业提高战略能力,最终实现战略目标。

【Abstract】 B Company is a foreign investment company under B multi-country Company, which belonging to the H Steel Group, the largest Steel enterprise in Australia. The main business is fabrication and sale of steel profiles. Its mother company, B Multi-country Company is the world’s biggest steel profile supplier, who is in a leading position in this area. Due to the special character of steel construction industry in China, the business format and development strategy has great difference comparing with that in other countries. The Steel construction industry in China is in a starting stage and the market has just established, however, full of developing potential. Therefore, it is extremely important to the Mother Company and H Group in making the development plan for B Company in China. B Company is facing great opportunity as well challenge in the new economic situation.In this article, by applying the Strategy Management theory and also its methods, the author has made evaluation and research to the internal and external environment around B Company. The survey shows that the main opportunities for B Company are: stabilized national policy; fast economy growth; rapid development of the steel construction industry; big market capacity and governmental support. While the threats are: low technical and financial entrance criteria of the product, fierce competition; immaturity of the present domestic steel construction industry and unregulated competition. From the survey to B Company’s internal environment, it is found that the advantages are: support by strong international mother company; sound financial status and technical competence; over one hundred years of history in steel construction industry; well-known brand name; easy access to raw material; strong company culture-integrity and co-operation and advanced management system. The disadvantages can be: lack of competence in design, construction,which often pushes the company into passive position in competition; less integrity of the product, which leaves a gap with the market demand.After the SWOT analysis, it is not difficult to draw such conclusion that B Company should stress the design and construction capability and develop into a comprehensive product and service provider. The author has established guarantee strategy in order to enhance the company’s strength to archive the final goal.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】61

