

【作者】 刘冬梅

【导师】 肖云龙;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 高等教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 培养适应知识经济和科技创新需要的高素质创新性人才,是我国高等教育改革与发展的一项基本任务。实施以培养学生创新精神与创新能力为基本价值取向的创新教育,应当成为我国高等教育创新的一大理念、原则和改革实践活动。 高等教育的本质是依托学科的专业教育。高校实施创新教育,不仅要培养学生的创新精神,同时也要发展其学科创新能力。发展学科创新能力应当是高校实施创新教育的重要目标。 本文主要研究学科创新能力的结构与发展策略。正文分四部分。 第一部分对学科创新能力进行了界说。研究认为学科创新能力是学科特殊能力与创造性思维能力的综合。在高等学校,学生个体的学科创新能力是指将某一学科或多个学科已有的知识或东西予以重新组合或创造,形成新的思想、新的想法,并能产生新的结果的创新能力。学科创新能力通常具有综合性、协同性、自组织性等基本特征。学科创新能力的养成必须有教育创新的环境和氛围的支持,这种环境和氛围的形成与教师认同、学校管理、校园文化等“控制参量”有关。 第二部分研究学科创新能力的结构设计。学科创新能力体系由学科特殊能力与创新思维品质交叉结合构成。设计学科创新能力结构体系应当以人的全面发展学说、学生身心发展规律和创造力开发理论为依据,并遵循针对性原则、适用性原则和发展性原则等设计原则。 第三部分以外语学科进行实证研究,分析了外语学科创新能力的结构,阐述了学科创新能力理论对外语教学的指导作用。 第四部分对发展学科创新能力的策略进行了探讨。本文认为完善课程体系、优化教学方法和开展非智力因素教育等,对学生学科创新能力的发展都具有积极的作用。

【Abstract】 It’s a basic task for the reform and development of higher education to cultivate the high quality innovative talents who can meet the new requirements of knowledge economy and scientific innovation. Aiming at developing the students’ creativity spirit and innovative ability, the higher innovative education should be put into practice.The essence of higher education is the vocational education based on the discipline. Developing the students’ discipline innovative ability is of important purpose. This thesis mainly researches on the structure of the discipline innovative ability and its development strategy, which has four parts.The first part is about the fundamental conception of the ability. The ability is combined and overlapped both discipline special ability and creativity thinking quality. So based on the traditional discipline ability, the new one has become to an overall ability to settle information and analyze problems, and also a coordinated capacity. The ability is developed based on the support of the educational innovation, like being acknowledged by the teachers as well as the campus culture.Secondly, while designing the ability structure with great care, we should put more attention on the theory of person’s all-round development, the students’ growing law of nature, and also creativity theory, some rules should be obeyed, too.In this thesis, the course, English, is designed as an example to show the structure of the discipline innovative ability and the function of the guidance and reference on the classroom teaching.Finally, about the research on the development strategy of the ability, the current curriculum should be improved to create the good external innovative environment. The optimized teaching methods should be attached, like Case-study method, Internet-based Teaching method and Practice method are given in-depth analysis, which aim at matching the teachers’ different choices.The discipline innovative ability put forward by this thesis is of important current significance and reference value to perfect the developing system on the innovative talents of higher education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】528

