

【作者】 陆建国

【导师】 吴敏; 陈祖安;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代采矿技术设备的日益成熟和完善,矿山企业经营者关注的是如何通过自动化和信息化手段提高劳动生产率和企业的整体效益,降低劳动生产风险和成本,以求在激烈的市场竞争中长期立于不败之地。论文从这一点出发,立足于凡口铅锌矿的生产现状和自动化水平,运用通信技术和数据库技术实现铅锌矿采矿整个生产过程的监测管理,从而满足对生产过程进行自动化管理的要求。 论文首先提出了凡口铅锌矿分布式管理信息系统的结构设计,它采用了一种C/S和B/S混合的模式实现企业生产运作的动态监控和面向管理层的信息发布。C/S模式结构具有较强的事务处理能力,而B/S结构具有较好的网络扩展性和兼容性,为此企业内部原有局域网采用C/S模型结构实现MIS系统;Web服务器上的应用程序采用B/S模型结构,实现信息查询、浏览及发布。企业网络结构分为三级:工业现场级、调度(控制)室级和管理层级。调度室级和管理层局域网采用开放式以太网,执行TCP/IP协议;系统通过Web服务器与Internet相连,执行TCP/IP和HTTP协议。在Web服务器的设计中,采用Java Applet技术开发客户端,服务器端开发则采用Java Servlet技术,通过JDBC实现从服务器端到数据库服务器的访问。最后论文给出了凡口铅锌矿分布式管理信息系统实现的具体方法,三级系统的设备、结构与功能以及软件运行界面。 凡口铅锌矿分布式管理信息系统的项目实施,为实现工业过程、生产组织和经营管理的信息化集成打下了坚实的基础,能够解决目前企业中信息不畅、管理水平低、设备利用率低、决策滞后等问题,使凡口铅锌矿生产和经营的诸环节实现一体化,全面提高生产经营和企业效益水平。

【Abstract】 Along with the development and maturation of modern mining technologies and equipments, automation and IT technologies have attracted eyes of mine managers for higher productivity, more global benefit, lower safety risks and less production cost so that they will maintain an indefectible position in extreme market competitions. With this understanding, the paper established on the practical process and the level of automation of Fankou Mine, concentrates on implementation of monitoring and managing global process via communication and database technology.The thesis puts forward the architecture design of distributed MIS which adopted a hybrid model combined of C/S and B/S to implement the process operation monitoring and the release of information oriented to administration level. The network structure is composed of industrial local level, control center level and administration level. The LAN of control center level and administration level is opening Ethernet implementing TCP/IP. The system is also connected to Internet with Web server implementing TCP/IP and HTTP. The design of Web server uses Java Applet for clients, Java Servlet for servers and JDBC for access from servers to databases. At last the thesis proposes the implementation techniques of distributed MIS of Fankou Mine as well as the equipments, structures and functions of each level. The application of the distributed MIS of Fankou Mine will provide a reliable groundwork for information integration of industrial process, production organization and business management. The problems in information exchanging, management efficiency, equipment utilization and decision making are likely to be solved or at least loosened.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【下载频次】90

