

Research on Virtual Management of Medium and Small-sized Logistics Enterprises

【作者】 柏鹏东

【导师】 徐天芳;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国物流业的蓬勃发展,物流市场的竞争日趋激烈。中小物流企业在我国的物流市场中作为不可或缺的一部分,现在正面临十分严峻的市场环境。一方面是物流客户的物流服务要求越来越高,另一方面,同行的国有大型物流企业和外资物流企业拥有强大的实力和较高的市场占有率。因此,为了能在竞争中争取主动,中小物流企业需要提高企业自身的竞争力,以达到持续发展。 本文,引进了虚拟经营这一当今先进的管理理念,经过论证和分析,提出我国中小物流企业走虚拟经营的道路,来实现企业的变革和发展。中小物流企业通过进行物流虚拟经营,一方面可以达到迅速扩张,提高服务质量,整合物流资源;另一方面,进行物流虚拟经营,可以突破中小物流企业发展的瓶颈,通过实施虚拟经营战略,提高企业的核心竞争力,达到持续发展的目的。 根据我国中小物流企业的现状和经营的特点,讨论了适合我国中小企业物流虚拟经营的服务范围,经营模式等。其中着重阐述了作为虚拟经营实施的重点环节,即对合作伙伴企业的选择、虚拟经营中伙伴的收益/风险分配、物流项目化管理和物流信息平台的建设。 本文最后,选取了A物流公司这个案例,在基于KODAK物流服务项目的基础上,应用中小物流企业虚拟经营理论的思想,提出A物流公司物流虚拟经营实施的策略。

【Abstract】 Along with the blooming of Logistics business, the compeittion of the logisitcs market is more strong than ever. As one of essecial part of the maket, Medium and Small-sized Logistics Enterprises(MSLE) are now weak in competition with big companies owned by Nation and Foreign capital in integrated logistics service due to insufficent resourse while some other enormous logistics resource seeking its way for business. As a result, MSLE need to reform for a second time in order to develop its business.Virtual Enterprise, an enterprise or an ally on virtual business strategy, focuses on intergration and utilization of out sources to satisfy customers and extend its business. Through this way, MSLE could manage to get through this winter of time.Based on the management of MSLE, the paper summarizing relevant the model of management and logiscics service. Focused on three parts,that are choose of allied companies, logistics project management and construction of the information platform.Based upon above, a real company, A Logistics Company, through a project of Kodak logistics service, with the combination of theroy of Virtual Enterprise and MSLE strategy, is analyzed in this paper and some solutions are put forward on the reform and construction.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】561

