

Optimization of Diesel Engine Running-in Indexes Based on Oil Analysis

【作者】 吴惠国

【导师】 王宏志;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着摩擦学理论的不断完善和发展以及一系列先进分析仪器的诞生,在理论和手段上极大地丰富了油液分析技术,同时计算机技术的应用和发展又为综合处理油液分析技术所能提供的大量信息提供了可能。油液分析技术在柴油机、齿轮传动、轴承系统、液压系统等机械设备的状态检测方面,取得了显著的效果,获得了广泛的应用。 柴油机磨合是一个复杂的摩擦学系统问题,如何科学地制定柴油机磨合规范必须从理论上加以探索,在实践中进行验证。本文以摩擦学理论为基础,运用油液分析技术对柴油机磨合质量进行测评,研究分析了磨损机理,磨合状况和磨损趋势。在此基础上,对柴油机磨合规范优化的可行性进行了论证与研究,提出了实现磨合规范优化的原则与方法,并在磨合程序设计中首次引入了正交试验法。 试验研究表明,柴油机的磨合质量、磨合时间受到多种因素诸如零部件表面加工质量、整机装配质量、载荷、转速以及磨合油等的影响。磨合规范的制定应考虑这些因素的相互匹配,才能达到提高磨合质量、缩短磨合时间的目的。在柴油机制造工艺不变的限制条件下,选用合适的专用磨合油,适当强化磨合期的磨合程序,相对缩短磨合时间同时优化磨合质量的目的是可以实现的。 本文以某型柴油机为实例,为了缩短磨合时间、提高磨合质量,在对三种磨合油进行优选的基础上,运用正交试验法对柴油机磨合程序进行了优化设计,确定了九组可行的方案,减少了试验次数,降低了试验成本,可快速有效地找到最佳磨合程序。 本文在柴油机台架磨合质量测评和磨合油优化,以及磨合程序的优化过程中综合运用了油液分析技术和表面分析技术,实践证明油液分析技术和表面分析技术是研究柴油机磨合过程的有效、方便、不可替代的技术,具有广泛的应用价值,可为柴油机磨合方面的研究工作提供一行之有效的方法和参考经验。

【Abstract】 With the development and perfection of tribological theory and a series of analysis instrument’s invention, oil fluid analysis technic has been deeply enriched in theory and application. The application and development of computer make it possible to handle these abundant information which get from oil fluid using the technic. Oil fluid analysis technic acquires remarkable effect and obtains a lot of application in mechanical equipment’s state monitoring such as engine, gear transmission, bearing system, hydraumatic system.The process of diesel engine running-in is a complex tribological system problem. We must analyze scientific how to make burnish rules and verify it through experiment. In this paper, we monitor diesel engine’s burnish state using oil fluid analysis technology based on tribological theory, and also study and analyze the mechanism of worn-out, the features of microns produced during grinding in, diesel engine’s burnish state and burnish trend. On these bases, we find out some methods how to Optimize the Burnish rules of diesel engine, and made it successful to take application of Orthogonal Test on the diesel engine running-in test.It proved by experiment that diesel engine’s running-in’s quality and time are affected by many factors such as machining quality of part’s face, assembling quality of machine, burdening and speed, burnish oil etc. When setting down burnish rules, we must make these factors match up each other so that we can enhance burnish quality and shorten burnish time. On the precondition of not changing the manufacture technics, selecting and using a equal burnish oil and orthogonal test method’s application on testing designs, fast running-in of diesel engine can be realized.In this paper, I also take a given diesel engine as a illustration to optimize it’s running-in indexesed by application our study results. It was proved doable by optimized result.The study of this project can provide some method experience to the studying workon the aspect.

  • 【分类号】TK421
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】201

